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Ping around the Rosie

This is an update to my previous Makin' pups.... thread,


This is how they look today,


forming a ring o' pings around the mother plant.


They have done a fine job of propagating themselves.


That looks awesome. It is almost impossible to not propagate mexican pings. The slightest disturbance and they are like "screw it, I am going to make 4 copies of myself!".

My jaumavensis has a hard time separating itself though. When it started sending out basals like that everything stayed attached but went a different direction. Apparently the debbertiana in your Florian cures the jaumavensis's separation anxiety haha.
They are like little carnivorous roses. Me want XD
Thanks for the comments,

Shortbus, I use a mostly mineral mix with almost all of my mexi-pings.

I am constantly experimenting with new mixes, but find that the mineral mixes tend to keep fungus gnats and scariad flies at bay, have less algal growth and reduce the incident of rotting diseases with my mexi-pings.

Hi JCL27, thanks, I should have noted that P. x 'Florian' is the cross P. debbertiana x jaumavensis.

Haha Sarah, I like your comment about "little carnivorous roses".

Me thinks you have a romantic side to you. :)

Haha Sarah, I like your comment about "little carnivorous roses".

Me thinks you have a romantic side to you. :)


More like I have an attraction to dangerous and beautiful things. I love my deceptive and sadistic lovely plants
Beautiful and aesthetically arranged! I am so 'ghetto'!