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A neat lil parasite plant

I found this while looking up info on a plant.

This is the only visible part of Hydnora africana the root parasite of Euphorbia caput-medusae.

Open bloom

Read about the first (and only?) growing experiment with this pair of plants here:
The rough exterior, color, and parasitic nature, really remind of the rafflesia!
It repays the host plant by scaring off the herbivores.
The host ain't too shabby either looking like a swarm of serpents (each arm can get up to 3 feet in length) & being full of poisonous white sap
Hehe, my teacher showed me that in magazine a few months ago, it's a really neat plant. Vampire plant, I think. Awesome flowers.
That thing is NASTY... But really cool at the same time.

Looks just like some kind of fictitious flytrap.

Thanks for posting.
Haha, as soon as I saw that I started hearing the theme from "Attack of the Killer Tomatos."
Every time I turn away from the board for a bit something interesting pops up. Lol, since so many plants are becoming consumers doesn't that mean they are converging with fungus species? (they have cell walls and are consumer not a producer in this case)
So cool, I love weird plants!
  • #10
Both plants are very cool!