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Plant through a hot washing machine--will it survive?

The plant in question is a bulbil of Furcraea parmentieri. I had grabbed a few (quite a few) of the lawn outside the SF Botanical Garden. I stuffed a bunch into pockets, and missed one, when my clothes went through the wash, set on "hot". Immediately out of the washer:

I potted it up in a 3 inch pot and it looks good:

It's a very cool plant--a close relative of an Agave, with softer leaves than most, it blooms and then produces dangling bulbils on the inflorescence, which fall off over time.

LOL! :-D

This must be tell tale sign #2 that you're a plant addict: accidentally sending your pocket stored plant through the wash.
Haha truly a unique story. By the way, my new furcraea is looking great & I can't wait for it to put on some size. How tall would you say that stalk is?
Well, at least it's clean and probably has that "fresh laundry" smell........................
It's green and still "looks" OK. However a lot of vegetables are still green after they are boiled. We'll se. Any sign of life (new growth, a root) and I will be excited. I don't "need" this plant--I have a ton of these. But I'm really curious.
It's alive!! I'm stunned. Check out the new root:

Again, this bulbil went through the HOT wash cycle. Presumably hot enough that you can't hold your hand in water that temperature. For several minutes, with agitation. And detergent. Unbelievable.

Knuckles, sorry I didn't answer your question. 8 feet, 10 feet maybe. But here's something interesting. I was told that the "experts" had decided that all bulbil-forming Furcreas are one species, Furcrea parmentieri. So I called it that. That means that that species holds the record for tallest inflorescence in the plant world. By the same logic, this plant (the same?) is also F. parmentieri:

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Thanks for that link Randy. It will be some time before I see some size on my plant since it currently has only 3 blades. lol. Its good to know that it will be a beastly beauty someday.