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Root Borer

I recently discovered root borers in a few of my sarracenia pots, and was wondering what was the best way to get rid of them before they destroy my rhizomes. Any info would be greatly appreciated, I am going out tomorrow to buy a systemic but just not sure which brand yet. My reference material doesn't list one specifically for borers so I am trusting in my fellow CP enthusiasts for some info.

The best and easiest way to remove root borers is manually, reaching in and pulling them out with forceps. Leave them until an insecticide takes action and you'll lose your plant anyway.
Are these the tiny little clear wormy things with a black head? If so, shine a bright light over the pot- they should surface- grab your forceps and remove. Worked with one of my young cephalotus.
Yes they were clear but I didn't notice if their head was black, all together I pulled out four of them. I keep checking back for more but haven't seen any, but they just devastated my plant, all of the pitchers are gone. I am hopeful it will bounce back, only time will tell.

Thanks for your helpful advice!
Do you have any pictures of this? I would like to see them. Hopefully your plant will bounce back.