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Crazy Pet Reptile Stories


Grow Pitcher Plants!
Wanted to hear if anyone else had odd occurences with their pet reptiles. I've got two examples. I used to keep several snakes including one red tailed boa, one blood python, and a couple of corn snakes.

The blood python was the meanest pet I've ever had but was not the smartest. My red-tailed boa on the other hand was a great pet and grew to about 6ft long. One night I had just got back to my apartment in college with my girlfriend after a party where we had had a few too many budweisers and girlfriend wanted to see the snake eat a mouse or two. So I grab the mouse by its tail and do as normal just opened the aquarium from the top and drop it in. But this time I must not have dropped it in from high enough up. I think I put my arm down too far into the aquaria. The snake got me! and was now rapped completely around my right arm latched on at the hand. After 5 seconds the snake let go and there was lots of blood. I dowsed it with hydrogen peroxide and everything was good. I gave the snake to a local nature center the next day. I had no qualms with the snake becuase it was my fault that I had got bitten.

On another a little more humerous occasion my corn snake out smarted me. Me and my roomate came home from class and did not see my corn snake in its 20 gallon aquarium. We combed the aquarium looking for it and even turned the water bowl over. It was no where to be found. So we left thinking that it got into the apartment somewhere. Couldn't find the snake anywhere and thought the worst. Thought it had somehow crawled out and left the building. I was terrified that I could have possibly left the snake for dead knowing this corn snake could not survive on its own through our harsh winters and that my roomate was now scared I was entirely pissed at myself. Well what I didn't realize at the time was that I had an extremely smart corn snake on my hands. My roomate was pissed at me for a couple of days because he thought the snake would end up in his bed. Two weeks later my roomate calls me from his parents home 30 minutes away while they are having diner and says, " your snake is on my families kitchen floor. It had gotten into my laundry basket." His mom was apparently terrified of the little critter and was standing in her kitchen with a broom held out to protect herself. My roomates dad put it in a pillow sack and it was returned to me that day. I told my roomates family "sorry" and the next day I made sure the snakes had better owners. The snake had out smarted us. What happened was the snake was in the aquarium the entire time. When we came home from class that day we thought it was gone. It had really rapped itself along the inner lining of the bowl and we just didn't see it so we walked away without putting the lid back in place. The corn snake waited till we were out of the room and then got out of its home.

Those were my weird experiences. What are yours?
Lol good stuff
Ive been bitten once or twice by my pythons also. They immediately released after realizing that my hand wasnt a rat/mouse.

I have many stories but heres 1:
I had a leopard gecko that grew well with me for a year until one day it found its way out of the 20 gal tank when I left it opened. I found it 1 week later in the backyard (I have no idea how) minus its tail. I was so glad I found it. The next day my brother lost it again... I couldnt find it in a month and lost hope thinking that I would find it dead sooner or later by following the stench that was inevitable. Well... I never found that stench, and a year and a half later I found him roaming in the kitchen! He was huge! The tail had fully regrown and looked like a 2nd head. His color was great and it was fat and healthy! I guess it lived off of roaches and slugs :-D
Got a good bite story for you.

Back when I was in high school and college my mother used to teach pre-k and kindergarten. From time to time she would schedule a day for me to go in and do a reptile presentation, teach the kids that all snakes are not bad and slimy and the like... Anyways, the usual show piece for this was my amel corn snake cause he had a great disposition and did not mind being pet by the kids or held aloft for all to see. "Side shows" would be whatever else I might have at the time ranging from banded geckos to garters to toads.

My freshman year at college my roommate acquired himself a Tokay. For those of you not familiar with them these are large geckos and this one was the largest I had seen, a full 35cm!! Tokays are also notoriously evil. Think piranha with legs and an attitude and you are working in the right direction. They are also very vocal.

So, come Xmas break my roommate was heading home to Alaska and he asked me to care for the Tokay while he was gone.

Tokay came home with me.

Mom though it would be a good animal to bring in to show the kids so she scheduled a day.

I show up at the school with corn snake and Tokay in tow. Get the corn out and let the kids pet him, goes over really well and everyone is happy.

Time to break out the Tokay. Open the box I have him in and first thing he does is "bark". The kids get all excited, some even try to mimic the sound. Everyone wants to know what it is.

Slight digression here. At the time this occurred I had been handling herps in one for or another for 15 years and over the years I had tried using gloves but never liked them because they impaired my ability to actually "feel" the animal and thus anticipate how to keep a good grip and the like. So it goes without saying that I was not wearing gloves for this. I had handled this animal before and I knew what I was doing.

So, I reach in and pick the animal out holding him in a logical grip given he was aggressive: index finger and thumb forming a ring behind his head, his left fore leg between my middle and ring finger and his body/tail laid along the length of my forearm...

Out comes the Tokay and all the kids go nuts. Tokay starts barking again. Kids bark back. Tokay does not like that and barks louder. I can tell it is a little freaked so I tell the kids it is time to be quiet (right, like a bunch of 5 year olds are gonna listen.) The kid to my left barks really loud, I turn to him to ask again for quiet and peripherally I see the kid on my right (the hand I am holding the Tokay in) reach up. I flinch to get the Tokay out of his reach and that is when I lose my grip on the Tokays head...

Next thing I know there is a giant and very angry gecko latched to the meat between my index finger and thumb. Blood starts to flow. I have a few choice phases going through my head but being that I am in the presence of a class of 5 year olds I bite my tongue. I reach for the Tokay, it sees me coming and bites down harder. More blood flows. I get hold of his body figuring if he is supported rather than dangling he'll let go. No such luck, instead he clamps down harder. By now blood is draining off my hand and onto the floor and the kids are laughing hysterically.

I excuse myself and head to the schools kitchen. Raid the freezer for ice cubes. Place a couple against the Tokays stomach. He really does not like that but he does not let go. So, off to the bathroom. Turn on the cold faucet and pop the plug, toss the ice in for good measure. Once the water is deep enough I plunge my hand and the beast in. For a good three minutes the little monster just sits there fully underwater gnawing on my hand before finally he decided breathing was more important than inflicting further harm on me. He let go and I immediately grabbed him and tossed him back in his box. Wrapped my hand in a towel and came back out to the class to finish talking.

The kids were still talking about the incident months later. LOL
Knuckles, that's a crazy story! I'm glad he was alright! :-D

Wow Pyro, that too is crazy. I think it's funny the kids were laughing at you, lol. Did you have to get stitches or anything?
Great strories! These are classics. More, More!

Knuckles, you didn't see the gecko for more than a year! That's awesome. Actually when my boa bit me during its full fledged strike as if my hand were a mouse it did not hurt. The bad part was the surprise.

Pyro, yours is a classic. I would have laughed too until I felt it was getting serious. Smart thinking on how to get it off your hand though. Definitely the mouth morphology on geckos, skinks, and monitors are built more to pack a punch and hold on compared to some of the others.