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My Babies From Seed, Byblis

  • Thread starter chibae
  • Start date


An orchid fancier with a CP problem
Are these B. liniflora? They look very happy.
Are these B. liniflora? They look very happy.

Yes they are, thank you. I moved them today from the germination box to the small "greenhouse" within the large enclosed rack. Slightly less humidity, more headroom and better lighting. Wondering if I dare separate them.
I've had luck with separating them at the size your photo shows if I carefully remove a large enough lump of soil, so as to get most of the roots. They become more delicate as they get larger, or so it seems to me. I prefer to move them small.
I wouldn't separate them.
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Jimscott - I've gotta ask. Do I see differing flower colors in those?
I could be wrong, but it looks like the angle exposure of the camera.
Could be the camera angle, but B. liniflora is known to have flower colors ranging from pink to indigo blue, and varying shades.
It's the camera angle. The adaxial and abaxial sides of flower petals on Byblis are usually different colors, with the abaxial usually a pale white. This is often the case with Pinguicula flowers too. The two genera are related.

B. 'Goliath' × guehoi

P. cyclosecta