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Transplanting a tc plant

OK, so today I took my D.capensis out of its Tissue Culture jar. There is probably about 30 plants in the clump. I washed off all of the agar that I could, and then planted it in 3:1peat to perlite. I then put a humidity dome over it so I could slowly adjust it to lower humidity. My question is, is there anything else I need to do to it? I have read that when taking plants out of TC, that sometimes alot of the plants die. Is this true with D.capensis?
someone goes to the trouble of tissue culturing a weed like capensis  

Pretty as they are, they grow in every pot around, whether you want them to or not.

The more of that jelly you can get off of the roots the better your chance of success. I usually use a clear polythene bag to acclimatise tissue cultured plants. After a week of being covered with a bag, you can cut the corners off to let a small amount of air to get in. a week later the holes in the corners can be made larger and a week after that the bag can be removed completely.
I have grown P. primuliflora, D. spathulata, D. adelae, and Dionaea muscipula from TC and did the exact same as you. I left the humidity dome on for about a week and then slowly moved it off. I didn't really lose any plants. I thought I was going to lose alot of P. primuliflora because they are pretty sensitive but I didn't. I think yours will be fine. Good luck,
-Nick Z.