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Not seeding....


Staff member
My Capensis "Alba's" and my Spatulatas have sent up numerous scapes, and the flowering is all done. Now that they are all done flowering, and the buds have gone black. Only one "pod" has produced seeds (from one of the spatulatas). All the others seem devoid of seeds....Is there any data on how frequently these two species successfully self pollinate?
I was hoping for copious quantities of seeds.
Black? When my scapes turned brown, ie, were pretty dried out, is when I would gently cut them away from the plant and then tap them in an envelope to get seed out. When I paid attention to that kind of thing.

Well, me and Schloaty talked in chat about this, and my D. capensis doing the same. Does anyone think air movement could be important for self-pollination in these plants? We've both had plants fail to produce seed this winter, and think this may have had something to do with it. Anyone know if air movement could effect self-pollination?
I think air movement might be a reason if you think about it. Other then closing, you might need air to help weave its way through the pod a mix the pollen and stuff.
I am having the same trouble with my d.burmanni, it too is in a sealed grow-chamber. I never would have thought of lack of air movement as the cause.

maybe it is because it is winter time, very litlle light this time?
I don't think it's the light....They're under pretty good flourescents...
If you think it's air movement, get a small tuning fork and use the vibrations from that to release the pollen when you see open flowers.


That would be a great idea if I was home for the 30 seconds the darn flowers are actually open....

Ok, so I exagerate a little.....the 30 minutes
it's open
  • #10
I wonder if putting a fan near them on a timer so it will be on when the flowers are open could get them to pollinate. I think I will try it, if I get another flower stalk this winter.
  • #11
I have a few more popping up....I'll try it too.
  • #12
After the flowers close, give it a few gentle squeezes. This should cause good self pollination.