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D 'multifida' wierd growth

Hey sundew dudes!

I noticed this wierd thing coming out of my D 'Multifida' plant a couple of weeks ago, and I don't know what it is since I'm not really familiar with these plants. I suspect that it's an inflorescense, but that's just my guess. Anyone know for sure? I don't think that it's a leaf since it didn't roll out like the other leaves (like the new leaf that's coming out next to it).

Any info is appreciated.


Yes, it is an inflorescense, or flower stalk.
:::Begin Deep Insiteful Coment:::

hee hee, it looks like mini coloflower.

:::End Deep Insiteful Coment:::
ok thanks!

So... um

Is there anything special that I should do with it now that I know that it's gonna flower? Also, how would I go about pollinating the flowers to get seed? Is it true that binata sundews don't self pollinate?

Thank in advance.
