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Nepenthes khasiana issue

So, I have a very healthy and vigorous khasiana in a very small greenhouse in my tiny terrace garden.

It has a rather large vine on it with several rather rapidly growing basal shoots. The problem is, the vine is juuuust on the verge of pressing into the top of the greenhouse.

My reading tells me that khasiana is reluctant to propagate from a stem cutting. Is this true? As much as I don't want the vine to be pressed against the roof of the greenhouse I don't want to just cut it off and throw it away either.

Therefore, I want to cut it down and try rooting the cutting in another pot, if possible.

Any advice would certainly be appreciated.

ps: when I say a small greenhouse, I mean a small greenhouse. It's 90cm tall.

pps: although sheltered by the (unheated/unlit) greenhouse from the worst of the weather, this thing grows like crazy outdoors, year round, in definitely-not-tropical Melbourne.
If your in Melbourne why not just move the plant outside?
I grow my plant here in North QLD outside, I also know a Sydney grower whom keeps his khansia outside, so they are very temp tolerable, humidity would be the only real problem, and if so you can either mist it daily or buy another polyhouse, ebay AU has some nice ones for sale, last year I also got a walk in (2.5/2.5/2.5m tall/long/wide), its got my lowlanders in it and was only $40, but they come on ebay now and then for less.
As for cuttings I got my plants from a guy whom lives where I do uni and he said they are fairly simple, just don't use rooting hormone as many neps dislike it and instead preffer to be placed straight into soft water (e.g. distilled) or in a wet spag mix, then high humidity and temps of 24-30c works well for me.
Thank you for your suggestions.

I have considered moving it outside but given the possum problem I have this is asking for trouble. Not to mention the tinder-dry northerly winds we get in our summer heatwaves. It's my intention to keep the khasiana in its current position until I can get a larger greenhouse to put it in.

Which I will. Eventually.

I just love the plant and would hate to put it in shock by suddenly changing its environment. Granted it's not the most showy Nepenthes but I think it's amazing anyway.:p

For now, the air layering idea seems to be the way to go. Got myself a shaverblade, clingwrap, a toothpick and some LFS. Will give it a go in a few days.:)

However, if anyone between now and then has taken a successful stem cutting of khasiana let me know!
I don't know if you know this but there is a Victorian carn society, (although I can not attend meetings due to the 2000km+ distance there is no QLD society)
I'm a member and have got some great trades/info from them, their forum thing is abit slow and not much happens there but they also have meetings at some place called Yarraville and have a nice journal with a lot of info on growing carns in Au, a lot of Melbourne growers go so it can't be to far, you could ask them, the best part is that unlike myself and many others on the forum they know your conditions very well.
(also to admin I am merely suggesting this member looks at the society, not leaves this forum and joins them, for clarification as I have had replies like this removed in prior forums, not sure why but)
I was a member of the VCPS when I was a kid, actually. Only recently got back into CPs but yeah, that's on my to-do list.

They have an awesome show annually at a place called Garden World in east Melbourne, will sign up in person then. I believe it's happening late November.