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Age of maturity

How long does it take a cutting to reach the age it can flower? I want to know my plants gender, lol
There's no real precise answer to that. It could take years, or only months. Usually a tip cutting, that is, a cutting taken from the growing tip of the vine, is easiest to root, and when this cutting is established and is producing pitchers-upper traps-the plant may flower. Flowering is often induced by a change in the environment, particularly an increase in light. This is beause the growing tip continues to grow and behave like a plant vining out-which is when a Nepenthes will flower: if it flowers. Cutting taken further down the vine are less likely to do this. Another factor is the species. Some flower easier than others. Also, speed of growth: you're more likely to flower that mirabilis cutting than the highland veitchii within a reasonable period of time. Actually, we discourage newly established cuttings from flowering-I've seen ventricosa do this-because it takes a lot of energy from the plants growth. And there's always those clones that are reluctant to bloom no matter how big the plant.
Also, we always mark gender on the plants' name tag once they flower using the little male and female symbol.
