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Sandersonii question

Hi guys, My Sandersonii was going a little brown in the middle of the pot during winter and was told I should take what's healthy from the pot and repot it. Now I did repot it but I took a small part of the plant and placed it in a 3 inch pot. Now my question is will the Sandersonii spread and eventually take over the whole pot or will I just have half the pot green and the other soil?

Don't worry, your sandersonii will eventually grow to cover the whole pot. I have found with mine that it takes a bit of time before the plant acclimates to a new pot. When I first got this plant it didn't grow for 3 months and then it took off like a weed. Give yours a little time and some extra TLC and you'll be rewarded in time
Thanks Pyro,

Once the weather warms up I'm sure it will grow back.
Will the same idea work for most Utrics if you take a piece from one plant and repot that piece?

Yes indeed. Almost all terrestrial and epiphytic Utrics can be propogated this way and I would assume the same holds true for aquatics (but I have never grown them so...)

I find it ironic that this Genus is probably the easiest to propogate and at the same time some of them are next to impossible to find.

I've never been able to figure this one out either. Not only are they the easiest to propogate, but they're also the easiest to ship. And the easiest to grow, iin most cases.

I think part of the problem is that most people figure they all look the same, so they only grow a couple of the easiest to find species.