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Day 46 and all appears well..................

i was checking over my plants after my 3 day weekend and noticed my U. aspundii is still alive and well. it only has one "lolon" but that one still looks quite good. i was a lil worried about this one as it is my first epiphyte. i am growing it in a mix of LFS with some orchid bark. its 1.5 inch pot is sitting on top of the soil of my S. x 'Judith Hindle' pot and i water it when ever the LFS looks really dry(about every 4-5 days) and it sits in strong light. it seems to like it but im waiting on a new lolon to prove it. my U. aureomaculata, which i was told is fairly uncommon, is spreading nicely as well in typical Utric conditions.

Whaaa! T_T today my pot of asplundii fell over and got up rooted... do you think it will be ok?
At any rate before that happened I noticed that "roots" were already starting to grow off to the sides of the pot so I know it's doing ok. Also I noticed that a severed tuber is starting to put out "leaves."
it will probably be alright. how are you growing yours? i havent found much info on this species and am just going by what was recommended here. like i said mine appears happy but has yet to send up a new lolon to prove it to me, plus the rolons have yet to come out the bottom of the pot so everything is kinda up in the air as to how it is really doing.

I grow mine on my windowsill and water it when ever it looks dry. Temps 100-60F... I heard this plant is more of a winter grower so we just have to wait a little while longer for new shoots.
I have 2 clones. The larger form is resting. No new growth. A couple of happy looking leaves. I'll take it - that which does not die must continue to live

The second form is a smaller flower form collected in Duida (by Fernando maybe? Dunno.) It is growing a new shoot, leading to many smiles and sighs of relief.

I just got a new variety today, but it is still trying to figure out what just happened, but I think it is (or was) in active growth.

Winter grower's where? In Brazil or here? Remember the hemispheres are reversed. I would expect them to grow in the spring in Brazil. If they are not acclimated that would be our winter, and I have a hunch my plants are still living back in Brazil and will indeed grow for me this winter. At least, I hope so! They sure have been doing not much for long enough!
after all this worrying i inspected it closely last night and there is a new lolon peeking up through the LFS. i swear it wasnt there Monday night. im just glad im not the only person who thinks it seems to be in slow motion.

I am going to argue one small point here, based only on my experience mind you. In my collection this plant seems to grow year round. Granted it will slow its growth at times (something you probably won't catch until you grow it for a good long while) but it never absolutely stops growing.