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North Carolinac weather

I have a question. How come flytraps enter dormancy when it's usually really warm where they grow (Wilmington, NC)? This week the temperatures are 25, 22, 18, 22, 19 and 21 degrees with lows of 4-10. I'm having trouble making mine show signs of dormancy with temperatures of 12-16 degrees in the day and 1-10 at night.
Also, when they do actually become dormant, you get odd days with temperatures of 25 degrees or so in January. Why they don't they wake up thinking it's spring?

(Edited by Alvin Meister at 12:38 pm on Nov. 8, 2001)
Hi Alvin Meister,
VFT dormancy isn't triggered only by a reduced temperature, it 's also due to a shortened photoperiod(amount of light plants get per day). As winter nears, they experience a shorter photoperiod, reminding them them that dormancy is coming. No, I don't know when wild flytraps go dormant, but mine always do so between Halloween and Thanksgiving.
I'll have a look to see if I can find the hours of daylight in winter, unless you know already. Looking at my plants again, the leaves a couple are growing now seem like they will be pretty small when they open. Looks like they do now winter is coming!
No...I don't know. Anyone? It would certainly be less than twelve... Have you also noticed that when you put, say, an insect into a trap, it'll close more slowly than in the primary growing months? On a 90+degree summer day here(Massachusetts)traps sometimes close incredibly fast. I actually jumped back the first time I saw THAT happen!

North Carolina is Eastern Standard time. Sunrise was 7:10, sunset 5
0 today. Each day is one minute later in the Am and 1 minute earlier in the PM until 12/21 which is the shortest day of the year.

My CP's have not gone dormant yet either. I am counting on Mother Nature to take care of things in her own way. I expect Dec through March at this point. Spring really doesn't gear up till April at best.

At the moment I think, in England, we have daylight hours of about 7.15 - 16.15. I've put my plants in the greenhouse so that it gets temperatures of about 6-11 during the day and 1-5 at night. Two are now growing really slowly and sending up tiny traps but not going black. My Red Dragon is growing slowly too and has grown about 4 autumn leaves but a tall summer leaf is just about to open??
Hi Alvin Meister,
You have a greenhouse? I envy you!

Yes my flytraps are also in the thick of sending out tiny fall leaves, which have better coloration than the summer ones.