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Hello everyone, I thought I would share with you some pics of my ping hybrids I initially posted on OCPS.

First, P. laueana X sumidero I.

Forma I - It as some laueana feature but not much ... especially not the red color.

Pinguicula sumidero I X laueana hybrid par Shoggoths, sur Flickr

Forma II - At first, it's rather looks like the laueana flower but in a purple version. The blotch is yellow (rather hard to catch the right color).

Pinguicula sumidero I X laueana sp2 hybrid par Shoggoths, sur Flickr

But on second look, the bottom petal has split in three. None of the parents have this characteristic.

Pinguicula sumidero I X laueana sp2 hybrid par Shoggoths, sur Flickr

Here are both parent plants.

Pinguicula laueana par Shoggoths, sur Flickr

Pinguicula sumidero I par Shoggoths, sur Flickr

Do you think there’s a chance to get a red flower from the seeds of those flowers or it is not genetically possible?

Second, my best Pinguicula laueana X gypsicola. It's funny how the leave 'sit' on the media ...

Pinguicula laueana X gypsicola par Shoggoths

And the succulent form.

Pinguicula laueana x gypsicola par Shoggoths, sur Flickr

No flower yet :(

Tks for looking. All comments are welcomed.

Some very nice work there Mr. Shoggs. :)

Your work with pollinating mexi-ping flowers and making either species seed or hybrid crosses is what inspired me to try my hand at pollinating these flowers.

Recently I have been able to make the following crosses that have successfully germinated.

P. agnata x colimensis

P. colimensis x agnata

P. colimensis x heterophylla

P. moranensis x heterophylla

I still have hopes for P. agnata (colored and scented seedgrown form) x heterophylla, but still waiting on germination with these.

your red flower (laueana) is so nice !
i dont have this specie.

you have a amazing ping collection !
I'd love a red flowered ping. Those are beautiful! Great work!
Tks guys.

Good luck with your seedlings DVG. In your hands, I'm pretty sure those will give some really nice pings faster than mine!

I have another P. laueana flowering. I could keep some seeds for you if you wish EtoW but I can't ship live plants to US.

Maiden, I should be able to find a small plant for you if you wish. If not, I'll start some leave pull.
How do you do it? Last time I touched a ping flower it exploded and destroyed an entire block! Well, maybe a bit of an exageration but the flower just popped off.
I follow this guide step by step:


I use a small toothpick. The already sharpened one, not the rough one. The tip is paint in black to help me see the pollen.

It is easy with mexican pings but I find it rather hard to find the anthers on temperate pings. Also, almost every time I try to pollinate my ANPA 'A', the stigma falls. I can't say why.

Remember that the pollen is just behind the stigma, you don't have to go deep into the flower. So, with a pointy toothpick, brush gently behind the stigma and it should comes out yellow. Put this pollen back on the stigma and that's it. I also have more success when I put pollen over another plant rather than doing selfxself attempt.
This is a really cool thread. Love the laueana x sumidero.
Shogg: why not :)

I have some hybrids too if you want.