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P. agnata 'M x E'

The 'M x E' is Mohr x Ehler, right?
This is the pinkish ping with ping pong paddle shapped leaves?

What kind of care do they require?
Agnata and moranensis x ehlersai are two different plants.

If it was labled agnata 'M x E' I would guess that it is describing 2 different forms of agnata being crossed. Or is it possibel the lable was agnata x (M x E)? In that case I would guess that it would be agnata x (moranensis x ehlersai)

Doesn't have to have agnata crossed in it. My guess is moranensis x ehlersiae (most likely) or emarginata x moranensis 'g'. The former is a hybrid from D'amato and listed in Savage garden. It's two tropicals crossed...

His topic title is: P. agnata 'M x E'  

So somewhere in there agnata has to come into play

And Parasuco,

I totally missed the second half of your post about what care they need.

All of the mentioned species are Mexi-Pings so you'll want a loose well drained less acid media. I use 1:1:1:1 perlite:vermiculite:milled sphag:charcoal. Water by tray. None of these species require the super dry winter dormancy so just leave a little water in the tray at that time and let it dry out before adding more
I know exactly how you feel
Here is the website that sells it. On my screensaver from here, it has a clip of it... Its pink coloured.
It may just be a mistake...or moranensis x (agnata x ehlersiae).
From checking that website you linked Parasuco, I would guess that it is agnata x (moranensis x ehlersai) and that there was a typo and they forgot to enter the 'x' befor the brackets
