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N. gymnamphora for trade


Stay chooned in for more!
Want to trade it away because it's a small clone. It grows fast, produces copious nectar and has good color, is very compact, but it refuses to expand it's diameter. I'll post pics later. It's just the clone I guess since I'm not doing anything wrong. It's got a cute little toothed peristome.

PM me.

EDIT: pics.



It's also producing little basals.
ATENTION!!!!! Nepenthesmatt called me on his phone and told me to post here, and that his account is no tworking, ??? he is trying to make new one, but in the meantime he really wants this plant so he told me to contact him through CPUK. Thanks!
Well I guess I'll have to try and remember my CPUK password, then lol.
Oh good, I feel releived. he is my freind and he LOVES this plant. THanks!
Do you have any idea as to the elevation this plant comes from? Not the elevation in the literature, but that of the actual plant itself. I can't be growing "highland" one, but I know I could kick it with the lowland/intermediate version.
Err nope. It came from another online-plant retailer that said it would grow as a lowlander, and all of the above growth is from this summer, which had lows of 70 and highs of 80.
Hi Clint - Just out of curiosity what is the leaf unfurling at the very bottom of the second picture?

N. clipeata x (clipeata x eymae)
Well I am intersted since well I like small intermediates and I have room finnally..
  • #10
EDIT. take that back...
  • #11
Hey Clint, you made a comment about my dried Gymnamphora a few days ago. Mine didn't look that much different from yours in terms of how it was growing. My leaves were slightly spaced out more, but looks very similar nonetheless.
  • #12
Except the leaves were MUCH longer lol. That's the problem! This clone is too small.
  • #13
Are you sure it's not the basals that are causing it to stop increasing its diameter? Mine came with a decent sized trap on it which it has since failed to replicate due to all the basals that sprouted up on it (the leaf size is also decreasing). I'm thinking of chopping it up and growing the basals separately because this plant pisses me off. It's all sideways and gangly-looking like yours. I figure chopping off the top might help the basals grow faster and might help the rest of the plant grow nicely.
  • #14
Nepenthes has a point, I noticed that too on mine. Once the B's started, I started to get worried about this plant since the new leaves were getting smaller not larger. (always noted that as a sign of 'you're doing something wrong'). But that started along the same time when the 2 pups popped up around it.

For mine though, I was thought it was the change in season for me. I couldn't produce highland temps anymore, then followed by the move that killed everything.

  • #15
Nope. The basals are barely visible and just started growing recently.

I wouldn't call it gangly...
  • #16
If it does not pull through I may be intersted.... just wanted to say that again
  • #17
I dont think its gangly :-D
  • #18
Lol, it's NOT sick, JM. There's nothing to "pull through" to because there's nothing wrong with it.
  • #19
The trade :D If the trade pulls through, I know it is not sick,
I am sorta looking for smaller neps :) Sorry for the confusion
  • #20
It's Gangly! lol jk. I think mine is gangly at least. All the energy is being sapped away by the basals for sure. I'll take a pic tomorrow and show you what I mean though,
because I had at least 7 different basals and shoots sprout up. Some of them died which just further supports my belief that the basals are to blame for the lack of leaf size increase. All of the plant's energy was just being sapped away into basal growth, and as a result leaf size and pitcher size was decreasing.