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have: Adenium somalense "Tanzanian form" (Nova)

Indiana Gardener

Got Drosera?
I really should have done more research first, but the other night I bought an A. somalense "Tanzanian form" and I thought it was just an A. somalense from Tanzania. I later found out on google that it's a synonym for the ssp. Nova that gets the huge football shaped caudex that causes a reverse taper at the base.

I've considered doing cuttings, but the stems will always be bushy and narrow.

I really want the arborescent A. somalense for bonsai.

So if you have an A. somalense and wish you had a Nova, please email me. If you don't want the Tanzanian, I have some obesum and arabicum cuttings taken, but they aren't rooted yet.



P.S. I am only looking for A. somalense (or maybe a "Thai socotranum" if you happen to have one). Please don't email me with offers to get rid of my Nova in exchange for a VFT or something. Those are nice too, just not what I want. Thanks.
Sorry man, I had A. somalense "?" (I forget the cv) but along with Stapelias, Mealy bugs love them and I was never able to eliminate them completely so the plant got tossed before they infected everything.
I like systemics, but have no experience with any on mealy bugs. Maybe systemics are no good for mealy bugs? It's ok anyway. I'm not looking for any cv, just the regular ol' run of the mill arborescent species.
Thanks any way though.

If you find no takers I would be interested in taking it off your hands. I have thought of growing one of these for some time.
I can't even find the species online for sale anywhere other than Thailand... why is everything I want always in Thailand... It stinks how everything is tied up with that; $300 minimum orders, Phyto fees, etc.

I may just sell it to recover what I have in it (about $12 with shipping). I did remove about 1/3 of the tap root immediately though before I realized what it was. It was treated with a mild rooting hormone with a fungicide. I've always gotten along good with that in the past, but you may want to wait until it heals. No feeder roots were removed.

Did you check ebay? Last week I got a couple of A. obesum on ebay. I noticed that they had a handful of somalense seeds and I think even a few plants. They are supposed to grow pretty easily and quickly from seed. I also want to bonsai them. I want to get some A. arabicum next. They make nice bonsai specimens.