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'Have cute 1/4" D. graomogolensis to trade for...


Lotsa blue
I have several small fully-rooted little Drosera graomogolensis plants to trade and I am looking for these plants: D. derbyensis, D. fulva, D. darwinensis, D. brevicornis and D. kenneallyi. Yeah, I know - I'm not asking for much. :-D I'm also looking for a nice D. venusta and for D. graminifolia. If you have any of these plants and are interested please pm me.
I literally have none of those things.
Otherwise I'd just hook you up brotha.

~ then why even comment?
Because I don't get to talk to my friend very often. Leave me alone..
I literally have none of those things.
Otherwise I'd just hook you up brotha.

I don't doubt that for a second. 'Always a pleasure to hear from you, Mass. :beer:
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I now have an offer for D. venusta and a 'maybe' on D. graminifolia and D. kenneallyi.

I still have some graos to trade but maybe I can sweeten the pot. I also have a 1" D. regia, cloned from my seed-grown plant that I would be willing to trade.
I'd also be willing to trade D. graomogolensis, or a D. regia, for seed of : D. derbyensis, D. fulva, D. darwinensis, D. brevicornis or D. kenneallyi. :)
There is a D. binata variety that stays small. I would trade a grao for that. I would also be interested in D. villosa, D. montana, D. curviscapa even D. sessilifolia and D. admirabilis. I'm trying, people! :)
Remind me about this thread in your next PM response. I wants em!
I have all of the binata variations, plus one with location data.
wink wink