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Looking for VFT seed... or other seed/gemmae for trade.


Not Growing Up!
Hi all,

I have an experiment in mind that requires the volunteering of numerous VFT seed or other seed/gemmae.
I would prefer VFT seed at this time, Large/Giant varieties if I could find them, but not necessary.
I will need about 50+ to 200 or more seed,
and would prefer to trade for a larger seed quantity like this, instead of doing 10 trades to get them all!

I know I am insane to try to work with VFT seed as they grow so slow, but I am starting with them,
and then moving on to other CP types to work with. So while I can also use Sundew seed/gemmae and that of other plants also,
I am keeping an open mind at this point, to see what people can part with. For anything other than VFT's, I will also be needing 50+ to hundreds of seed.

In trade for the seed,
I have a variety of sundew plants (most all are unknown to me, seed grown) along with a few small pings & some unrooted Nep cuttings. I may also have a couple nice Sarr plants available.
Again, most things I have in trade are unknowns, however I can get some pics of what I have to those who have something to offer.
I am sorry for the mystery, however the extra plants I have currently are the ones that have been growing like crazy, but which I am not sure what they are.

I realize this is a strange request in a trade, as I don't usually bother growing out VFT seed especially.... however I have
a need for working with some seed/gemmae at this time. (No, I don't have the time to explain what I am needing them for,
but No, I am NOT planning on starting a CP store! Just an experiment :tumbleweed: in terror! :alien:

If interested, please PM me.
Paul :water:
PM sent.
I could provide you with a plethora of capensis seed... I have several stalks of a "giant" capensis, as well as "alba". Or if you wanna wait another week or two, I shall have another several D. aliciae stalks dumping seed.
Oh! A Plethora sounds nice!
PM'ed ya!
Your inbox is full, sir!
Situation corrected (I hope)!
Many thanks for your generosity on the VFT seed (& others)! :hail:
Very MUCH appreciated!
Your help will be rewarded in the future!
