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S. "Bugbat" giveaway for shipping

I've got a division of S. "Bugbat" for shipping. Standard numbered list. Winner will be chosen by RNG sometime probably over the weekend, I'll see how things are going, within a week for sure though. Winner pays shipping, $5.50 via paypal.

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1) Pearldiver, thanks.
2. Dozer1028. Thanks
1) Pearldiver, thanks.
2. Dozer1028. Thanks
3. hcarlton
1) Pearldiver, thanks.
2. Dozer1028. Thanks
3. hcarlton
4. Goodkoalie

Amazing giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance
1) Pearldiver, thanks.
2. Dozer1028. Thanks
3. hcarlton
4. Goodkoalie
5. CorneliusSchrute

I skipped a chance to purchase this variety last year and have since regretted it. Thanks!
1) Pearldiver, thanks.
2. Dozer1028. Thanks
3. hcarlton
4. Goodkoalie
5. CorneliusSchrute
6. savagegarden, thanks so much!
I can ship starting on Wednesday so I will draw the winner tomorrow evening. Anyone else interested, get your name in by then.
Winner is #4

Goodkoalie, I'll shoot you a PM.