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Ibicella lutea

I have a huge amount of fresh Ibicella lutea seeds freshly harvested this year. I would like to trade these seeds for either Sarracenia seeds (species or hybrids) or Drosera seed. Please PM if interested. This seed germinates readily if given the correct treatment. Scarify the seed so that the white/cream endosperm is visible, pot into a mix of 50:50 compost and peat and give warmth for germination. These seeds require a warm/high soil temperature to germinate.

If you have nothing at this stage to trade -- talk to me ;-)

I have some sarracenia leucophylla seeds. I've already germinated some of them and they're doing well in the early stages. Most of the seeds are still available, if you're interested.
ahhh cool , too bad i don't have any seeds at the moment