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hello all,
i'm new to this list but am delighted to have found it.  i'm a student at CSU Humboldt and was pointed here by the local CP enthusiasts.  

i currently don't have a great deal to trade; i think the d. capensis narrow leaf alba seeds i posted have all been claimed at this point.  i would still be very interested if those of you who are growing pygmy sundews and are going to be posting gemmae for trade would let me know so i can get on the list for extras and send out SASE's.  i'm just starting with the pygmies at home after having volunteered to do gemmae repotting at the arboretum, and am particularly and especially interested in getting some d. nitidula and its crosses for my home collection (which currently consists of a few Sarracenia, Nepenthes highlanders, forked and cape droseras, and a lone d. 'aka ryu').  one of my mature odd s. purpurea x flava seems to be producing seed after i self-polinated it; if and when that seed is pod is mature i'll be posting those for trade as well.

thank you for your time, i'm delighted to become part of this community!
Hello catnix,

I dont have any gemmae but welcome to the list!

what part of colorado do 9you live
i live in parker
Hi Catnix..  Welcome to the forum

It is getting into gemmae season now, and I know that a few people will be offering up gemmae very soon. Hold tight and keep an eye on the trade board and I'm sure you will soon be up to your neck in gemmae and plants of all kinds. Ive never known a more generous group of people than the members of this forum.

Good luck