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Finally purchased a Reducta, hectioides and a Berteroniana...

:-D I hated to take a chance on buying these alleged Carnivores from Europe but took the gamble and won. They got here in 6 days... bought seeds months and months ago of Regia from an eBay Seller in Great Britian and it took 3 months to arrive and the Seller mailed them immediately upon closing of the ' buy it now ' feature '... go figure. I expected Customs to put the snatch on my plants
but they got throught just fine.

Anyway, these 3 are potted up in the media according to what I gleaned from the Interent and are being acclimated on a bright shade and partially sunny table on my porch facing the southwest.

I have common Bromeliads planted in pots dug into the ground in my gardens and I see hornets stopping by for a drink on these very hot and sunny summer days... none have fallen in so far. Since these Brocchinia/Catopsis are so hard to get I might not put them in full sun tho they'd be dug into the earth potted for removal when fall approaches. From what I've found on the Internet the Reducta resorted back to its look as found in the wild by the owner placing it in full sun.

Well, so goes my experience buying plants from Europe while I live in Delaware. :banana2:

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This user's last activity was on 07-09-2014 according to his profile, so don't expect a response too soon... :-O
I see... lol

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'this the season for zombie threads!
I guess so... :D

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