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Growing Tea plants and herbs

Just curious if any of you on here grow any of these and where to get some growing info (plants/seeds/growing techniques). I want to try growing some. Thanks!
Check davesgarden.com, they have some links on Camellia sinensis that are pretty useful.
Hi Jim,I grow herbs too, so far i grow only 2 types.One has a property to help patient reduce high blood pressure.I came across from a customer who been taking the plant boil fresh and taking the drink,1-2 cups a day.Result has been extremely positive.Subsequently i introduce a friend,talk to this customer of mine,tried on it.His pressure was 150 and since then has came down to 125 after consuming.The lower reading has always been 80.His Doc thought the reading was wrong ,only assured it was right on 3rd reading.However the daily taking of pills has to continue on Doc advised.I am growing the herbs,grow very well and they are creepers,leaves are reddish blood.Taste is pleasing-not bitter nor sweet.I have search in the internet for the name but not successful.

A closer view at the leaves with flowering seeds


The other herb i grow has curing property for diabetic patient,and i am waiting for the response from a friend who had tried it,once he get the report from his Dr.The leaves tasted extremely bitter.No photo yet as i am waiting for it to flower .
Thanks for the info seedjar.


I want to get more involved in alternative medicine as well, that's awesome about the blood pressure. I drink Green Tea, I love it. So they are fairly easy to grow then? Do they grow like weeds? I was thinking about growing them in my grow chamber with my CP's. How hard is it to prepare the leaves for the drinks? You have to dry them out first right? Thanks for the info.
Hi Jim..it is an easy growing plant.Yes,it grows like weeds and fast. The plants are collected,using finger nails to nip off the top part(slightly 3" above the ground,let the remaining part to grow). Prepare water 1.5 litre and put in the leaves together with stems to boil. ( oh! before dont forget to wash,the residue with flower and seeds are useful, dont throw away,but place the water in a pot let it filters and dried,the seeds will germinate in 3-4 days..that's my observation
) Once the water boil,stop and let it cools down. Keep the fluid in container or bottle and filter off some remaining residue.Keep in fridge.1.5 litres will last a week,depending on how big is your cup:;): .Drink like tea.some people here add brown sugar or honey. I will find out the name and post again...Robert