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The Independent CP Party platform

  • Thread starter droseraguy
  • Start date
  • #21
  • #22
problem is few are gong to be ABC.....the might be ZBC or ADC but almost never going to line up ABC with everyones views..............ive been through enough arguments with the ppl here that im aware that MY ideals dont line up perfectly with everyone elses here..........

That will never happen. It isn't even possible to make everyone happy all of the time and what a politician needs to shoot for is a middle group that will benefit the majority of the people... or at least the people who need it the most.
  • #24
Reading and knowing the Constitution should be tested for prior to getting elected, forget about the elementary school test I want to know they have it fresh in their memory. AND post their test grades for the public to see.

As long it isn't disregarded with this statement: As interpreted.
Clinton liked pulling that one.

JLAP, moderate control usually means alot worse than it sounds...
  • #25
We have to work on the health care issue. Hospitals, doctors, drug companies are making billions and people who work for a living and had some sort of ailment can't get insurance. Something HAS to be done.

I never understood the right and left either. I thought we are suppose to decide from right or wrong, not between left and right. I'll make up my own mind on what I thinks is right and I will never let a political party decide for me.

I'll tell you what is wrong with America, it the democrats and republicans. They have ruined our country.

Oh I'm not sure if I have stated my opinion of how I feel about bush here before. Would anybody like to know how I feel about him?

I agree, shooting people in the head (or the face lmao) is bad.
I would agree unless we are talking about George R. Bush
  • #26
It makes me angry how drugs cost basically pennies to make and yet people in africa and america and everywhere can't get what they need. It's all greed.
  • #27
We have to work on the health care issue. Hospitals, doctors, drug companies are making billions and people who work for a living and had some sort of ailment can't get insurance. Something HAS to be done.

Oh I'm not sure if I have stated my opinion of how I feel about bush here before. Would anybody like to know how I feel about him?

AMEN to the healthcare issues.

It is always good to state your opinions... maybe they will touch someone who needs it most!
  • #28
It is always good to state your opinions... maybe they will touch someone who needs it most!

I'd love too, but the sercet service makes it to hard toget to him, I would go to jail for the rest of my life.