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God's word

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  • #41
But I could just as well be any religion that predates Christianity if the "boob rule" were my only method for choosing a faith. I'm athiest because I'm way too into science. Once you start to learn a lot about biology and/or organic chemistry, and look at some of the synthesis experiments, it's impossible to believe the fairy tale of any god.

Even in a historical sense, no one is Odinist anymore, no one still thinks the sun god pulls up the sun with his chariot, no one still believes in Zeus or Thor or Ra. Its a fate that will befall Christianity/Islam/Judaism as well. Just because they are the three dominant religions now does not mean anything for the future. There were many a dominant religion in the history of man....but the "newest" mainstream three are believed to be the "eternal truth" now, just like so many others were in the past.
  • #42
Who really cares what you practice? I'm not pointing a finger at anyone in particular when I say this by the way.

To each his/her own. Why would someone want to make another believe what they believe unless it was because the 1st person thought it would help the second person (salvation etc)? And then if the person doesn't want to why would you then want to kill the person (defeating the purpose). Leading a horse to water then killing it because it doesn't drink... well you get it.

We all are going to die at some point anyway at least let people enjoy their life even if they don't think the way you do. At least TRY and be open minded.

And when it comes to the jokes... we all can make cracks at just about anything... we can wonder why Moses forgot the unicorns and dinosaurs when he built the arc and why he was talking to the local shrubbery instead of putting out the fire. As long as you aren't being cruel where is the harm in it all? And remember if you feel that strongly about something address it tactfully and if it was that great of an offense, let the big guy upstairs (whatever you happen to call him) take care of it when the time comes.


p.s. Phissionkorps If you can stand it, watch the zeitgeist video that someone posted on this forum. It will shed a "new light" so to speak on your sun god theory.
  • #43
Then again, I'm sure no one was after you because you're a practicing Muslim. If I, a white athiest went there, well we know what would happen...

Lets see I am white, not a muslim, infact I was very open about the fact that I am agnostic yet still saw no ill will towards myself. Infact I talked to Iraqi refugees while I was in Syria, a member of the Axis of evil where if anywhere they should have cut my head off for being american, white, or agnostic, or atleast thats what I am sure you would think. (Also I met an atheist in Syria who had visted the Ummyad Mosque and said he was an atheist and you know what their response was they offered him tea and information and said they would explain Islam, Christianity, and Judhaism to him if he would like but forced nothing on him.)

Also I know plenty of white americans who dont believe the holocaust happened. It is denied for political reason usually or out of hate. And the differnce between you talking about 30's & 40's Germany even though you werent there is your source of information is likely a legitimate historical source versus sensationalized media.

Lastly you dont know my motivations nor what I was doing in the Middle East so please dont attack me personally by calling me irrational. The only person who is being irrational is you who refuses to realize that your right wing Fox News might have mislead you into believing that every Muslim is just itching to killing you.
  • #44
People love to blame Fox News...but I don't watch TV...at all.

And if I read it correctly, you're telling me not to call you irrational, but then you call me irrational? That argument sounds pretty....well you get the idea :D.
  • #45
Why do we even need an argument?

Each person believes the other has issues haha let just leave it there instead of beating eachother to death...

It was all just a joke...
  • #46
People love to blame Fox News...but I don't watch TV...at all.

And if I read it correctly, you're telling me not to call you irrational, but then you call me irrational? That argument sounds pretty....well you get the idea :D.

I am sorry let me clarify what I said you are not irration just your belief which you have gathered from god know what sources. See you claim these things happen but you cant back them up with personal experiences or even legitmate sources from what you have presented so far. Also I said you are being irration I did not say you are irrational and I believe I have clarified that above.

Also Fox News was just used as an extreme example of the type of position you are arguing on this subject.
  • #47

April 24 : Armenia day. This is the official Armenian memorial day for the victims of the muslim genocide against Christian Armenians in World War I

August 7: Assyrian Day. This is the day the Assyrians use to commemorate the victims of the centuries long genocide of Aaayrians by muslims

August 14 : Hindu Holocaust Day. This day has been copied from the website from the Hindu Holocaust Museum

September 11: WTC Day in memory of the victims of the atack on the World Trade Center.

8/1/07 ( Narathiwat, Thailand ) - A Buddhist woman is blown to bits when Muslim radicals bomb a shopping district.
8/1/07 ( Yala, Thailand ) - Islamists ambush a group guarding a train station, killing two members.
8/1/07 ( Kabul, Afghanistan ) - A suicide bomber kills an Afghan truck driver.
7/31/07 ( Bannu, Pakistan ) - Religious extremists ambush a group of soldiers, killing one.
7/31/07 ( Mogadishu, Somalia ) - Islamic terrorists blow up a minibus, killing five civilian passengers that included a woman.
7/31/07 ( Baghdad, Iraq ) - A teacher and an engineer are among a dozen people shot and killed in various Jihad attacks around the country


Guess I'm just making all this stuff up huh?
How can you defend such animals?
  • #48
Okay, Okay. So, a Priest and a Rabbi are riding in a plane . . .
  • #49
White Americans massacred Native Americans but I dont hear you crying we should hate all white Americans. Americans currently fund the ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine but Im sure thats ok with you because the muslims are the ones suffering. WHat about the Israeli massacre of Lebanese in 1996? Guess who gave Israel the weapons to do such a massacre.

Serbian Christians massacred Bosian Muslims so we have to hate all christians now too as they are animals.

Communists in Russia and China did horrible things to all non-atheists so we now must hate all atheists and consider them animals too.

Timothy McVeigh was a Humanist and look what he did, well have to hate all humanists now.

man you must be lonely if you hate everyone on this list. See what happens when you judge the majority based on a small minority of people you have false preceptions of what a group of people is about. You have to realize you dont hear about the 1.3 billion Muslims world wide who live their lives in peace because Mohammad plants wheat today just doesnt grab head lines like 4 KILLED IN SUICIDE BOMBING!!

As for the ones you list individually, Muslims in souther Thialand are having a spertists movement which is where their violence stems from. Afghanistan I wonder who messed that country up caused problems that lead to such violence. Pakistan is where all the people we kicked out of Afghanistan went. I will admit im not that familar with the situation in Somalia. And Iraq all I have to say is how many attacks like that happened before March 20, 2003? I think we all know whos fault the violence in Iraq is.

Lastly all religions have been construted in a way to be used in violent acts. You can find a single belief system that hasnt been used to justify violence even atheism has been used to justify violence against others. Its an unfortunate part of the human condition that we are violent. Those who were violent survived to reproduce more and therefore we have a greater instance of violence in this world.
  • #51
This is an interesting bit of philosophy, this religion thing.

In my view, religion (ALL religion) is bad. Not because they are evil or wrong in and of themselves, but because of the nature of man. Huh? What the heck is Schloaty talking about?

Consider this - what is it to beleive? To beleive something is to structure your life around the notion that it's true - it governs your behaviour.

I beleive that, for example, when I get home my wife will be waiting for me with my daughters. This beleif makes me feel happy and secure. Now what I beleived something differently, like she's at home with the mailman? I think I would feel, and most likely act, differently. I would do so with NO PROOF. That's the crux of it. No proof.

There is no proof of God, and God (or Gods). Period. And, by the way, the onus is on the beleiver to proove it, not the skeptic, the same way a crytozoologist my proove that there is a bigfoot. It's a logical impossibility to dis-proove the existance of something.

So religious folks beleive in what ever they follow with no proof. They act as the beleive towards their fellow man with no proof.

AND, since most religous texts are (as is obvious from the very thread), subject to different interperetations by different people (all of whom BELEIVE in what they think it means), this makes religion downright dangerous. MOST of us beleive that the Bible, for example, preaches peace and love. HOWEVER, the Bible is dangerous because in CAN inspire aweful acts. Read: the inquisition. Very few people could be convinced do perpetrate the foul acts of that time (being burned alive was the least of your worries) without the (I must admit, rather elegant) verses of the Bible - mistconstrued by our current beleif structure, but that's the whole point. Just like toy guns that look like real guns. Are the dangerous? Well, not until some dumb kid points one at a cop - but they've been removed from toy store shelves because the CAN cause harm.

As for me, I think that God is a socially acceptable imaginary friend for Adults.
  • #54
I guess because even though you can't prove it, believing in God does make me feel good and secure. I'm a happier person now because of it than I was when I was an atheist, because when I was an atheist I wasn't satisfied with just croaking and that's it, and I was worried that if there was a God, then there is a Hell and then I'd be screwed. Is it messed up to believe in a God out of fear of punishment? Yeah, maybe, but at the same time I'm not afraid anymore and I'm secure. To me, God isn't some A-hole on a thrown that tells me people to be good or else. Not at all. To be he's loving and understanding, not an authoritarian. I don't, at all, consider myself religious though. Them's fightin' werds! I don't even talk about it except on a conversation like this. I believe spirituality to be very personal, and those that wear it on their sleeve just piss me off.

I still prefer the company of Atheists to Christians. I guess I have an animosity to Christians based on the BAD examples I've seen and known. I'm trying to work on that and be nicer and not assume everyone is a conservative fanatic.
  • #55
The reason I do not subscribe to any religious affiliation is because I do not believe that establishments founded and maintained on tradition can survive in modern society. The world is constantly changing as is the world population. It is impossible to believe that the standards and traditions established thousands of years ago can possibly still be 100% relevant and applicable to modern humanity. Especially since there is a revolution going on and the populace is changing faster than ever before. It's just not possible to fairly and justly govern a body of people if the "rules" never change while the body of people never stops changing.

  • #56
This is funny, it sparked so many pages of debate! I liked the joke, it was not made to be taken seriously, then again, this is America and everyone can think/say whatever they want as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights. Go rights!
  • #57
White Americans massacred Native Americans but I dont hear you crying we should hate all white Americans. Americans currently fund the ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine but Im sure thats ok with you because the muslims are the ones suffering. WHat about the Israeli massacre of Lebanese in 1996? Guess who gave Israel the weapons to do such a massacre.

And guess where Iraq got it's weapons-grade Anthrax. And guess who sold armaments to wartime-Iran to illegally fund a coup.

If we look at a bunch of headlines, we can make any place look pretty bad. US abortion clinic bombings. US Anthrax scares. Murders in the US due to sexual orientation and a subsequent lack of media coverage for the same reason. Rights for all citizens slowly being taken away. A class of people who make more money than imaginable and pay less taxes than their employees while doing it. A rather persistent involvement with wars abroad- oh and "police actions," too.

Alas, headlining is equivalent to cherry-picking words from the Bible. Not that these things aren't a problem, but they fail to show the entire scope of what's going on.

If we're going to take a more critical look at the Middle East we can see that the US has its hands in the root of a lot of current problems. That much is just history. The Middle East may have some terrible things going on, but if you really look you see that the blame isn't all on them an their "radical, outdated culture."
  • #58
I think I found the real joke of this thread. The accusations of how dangerous it is for me to clarify accusations against my faith using the Bible. How paranoid can you be if you believe that Christians are trying to take control of the world?! It just goes to show how clueless some of you are towards a Christians motives. I mean shame on me for posting some versus from Romans, my interpretations could have ripped a hole in the fabric of time! My text is a licensed weapon! The most ludicrous thing here is that everyone would rather learn about what the Bible exactly is, who God is and who Christ is from the people who don't know them (and claim to be open minded). Soon as I post a verse I'm a member of some kind of "organized religion" trying to impose your way life...get over yourself. Maybe it's because my faith questions your lifestyle that you cling to and hearing it threatens you, I'm sorry. However when I hear or see lies and mocking of my faith I will defend it, because it wouldn't be right of me to lay down and allow non-believers and haters to do it for me.
  • #60
It's awfully pretentious of you to say that someone here does or does not know God. I don't believe that is your place to decide, Outsiders.

Post all of the Bible versus you'd like. You're the last thing my lifestyle and I have to be threatened of :-)) The reason I detest it when people quote the bible instead of writing original thoughts is because it's the equivalent of saying "Just because."
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