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Church learns Vet was gay, cancels memorial

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  • #61
The slavery of the Bible is different than the slavery of the South. Today the slavery of the Bible is related to today's debt (credit cards, loans, etc.).
Are you kidding me? While I do not at all agree with linking the case of homosexuals to the case of blacks during racial discrimination, that claim is ridiculous. How was the slavery different? In both cases people were forced to work fields among many other things against their will. Sounds the same to me. I also don't think Jesus had a Visa, so I don't know how some nomads living in the middle of nowhere 2000 years ago could know about credit card debt and make an awful analogy to it.

If your ignorant enough to report me to the mods because I classified homosexuality as a sin, just like murder, rape and stealing then go right ahead, we'll see how far you get with that .
I find it hilarious that someone that believes in a fairy tale and denies scientific fact has the tenacity to call someone else ignorant. Lots of ideas in the bible have been discarded as a product of time. I bet you've disobeyed your parents before, so I guess you wouldn't mind if I get some people together to come stone you to death, right? If you think homosexuality is a sin, time to stop being a caveman and realize that its 2007.

Maybe because the definition has historical and religious meaning that has co-existed longer than the current liberalizing west society of today?
So just because an idea has been around a long time, that automatically makes it right? I guess its ok to beat women then in your mind. I guess Odinism, which predates Christianity by about 2000 years is really the right religion, simply because its been around so long. Odinism doesn't even mention homosexuality, so I guess you should take a page out of their book (well books rather). Actually your ilk has stolen many a thing from Odinism now that I'm on the topic. Ever wonder why your holidays are when they are? And no, Jesus was not born December 25th lol.

Oh really. That's interesting, I will ask my professors to quit using those dang cloud god books.
Your professors teach from the bible? That is the saddest and biggest disgrace to education I have ever heard in my life. I really truly feel sorry for you. Getting no education is better than being "educated" by the worst piece of filth to ever slime its way across the literary table. I'll tell you what, I'll write a book of nonsense, bigotry, hate, and hilarity, and you can be exclusively educated from that. What "school" do you go to? University of Ignorance?

Doing anything that doesn't agree with the teachings of Christ is a cult. Look that one up.
Maybe YOU should look that one up. Jews and Muslims aren't considered a cult, and they don't have a man-crush on Jesus.

Your a bigot for thinking that homosexuality should produce children in the first place.
Wait..what? That argument makes negative sense. I guess bacterial fission, parthenogenesis, vivipary, etc, are all sins too. Hmm seeing as most life on earth is bacteria, hell must be a dirty place :D.

That's all you hear from the extremist left that we're bigots and haters. Yes we're just so full of hate for everyone. Yeah we discriminate, that's what we're all about. All you can do is point the finger and flame. Come up with something better please it's weak!
You don't deserve something better until you can come up with better evidence than "because its in the bible".
  • #62
holy cow... this forum still moves like greased lighting!

Rampuppy, first I'll say I'm sorry you don't support us. Secondly, what's with the uterus talk? Why do people assume it's all about sex? This is a stereotype that homosexuals are overly promiscuous and all we do is have sex all day long. It's NOT about sex! We don't care that we can't have children. Our bodies are different but our LOVE is the SAME love as a man and a woman can share. As far as "one nation under God" , It wasn't there originally I don't believe. And His name should be taken off our currency, too.

I think you misunderstood my point friend. I am not debating your love w/ you, love is something that cannot be pigeonholed and debated, i can not contradict your love for your partner, nor can i know what it is like so I won't dishoner it by saying its A b or C.

My point was, you keep saying you won't be equal, well, equality isn't just the word marriage, it is't just one slice of what you want, in this instance, your talking about an institution that was founded for the sole purpose of forming a new familial unit, making babies, and so on. my point was that your biologically incapable of being = in this sense.

Nor did I say that you were promiscuous, nor did I paint your entire community w/ that broad brush. Do I support you? no, but nor do I stand against you. I don't know if you meant it to come off this way, but your statement "I am sorry you don't support us" to me makes it sound like if i am not with you i am against you, and i am somehow made smaller because of that choice, if that is what you meant, then you misunderstood me more than I thought.

I will admit, I am somewhat torn over the issue, I am a litteralist when it comes to the bible, and Homosexuality is not shall we say, a good thing in that book. There are passages that specifically speak towards it being wrong.. the big difference is, i think what people do in their bedrooms is their business, not mine. I simply don't care one way or the other. I do however, care when i feel an institution that is properly defined is under attack.

I know you really want the term 'marriage' to be rubber stamped ontop of civil union.. but i just honestly don't get it. Why not put some other word on there, make it up, and deny it to the heteros. :)
  • #63
Mokele, if you want to twist scriptures and liberalize churches to suit a political agenda I can't stop you. My point was very clear about separation of church and state and it would be fair to liberal and conservative, politician and layman.If you want conservatives to stay out of your life (politics), why don't you offer the same courtesy and stay out of their lives (the church=assembly of believers)? Is that concept not fair and balanced? I did not mention anything "bigoted" and I take offense to your blanket statement, but Christ does not condone sin. Who Was it that preached Hell more than anyone else in the New Testament and to repent and believe the Gospel? Yes, you are right it was the modern charicature of Jesus "soft on sin" and therefore "unholy" and sin "can" stand in His presence. Would you like me to infer you are a communist because you are a dissenter? Can we not shun labels for the sake of civil argument, and your assumptions that all conservatives have an agenda to further some kind of "reich". I have not studied slavery extensively throughout the Bible , Mokele, but I can tell you Homosexuality is mentioned of God in the New Testament in more than one place. If you want to assume "those rules" were inserted by others into the New Testament I can't stop you. However, I will follow the thread of truth concerning sin as relevant to salvation from Genesis to Revelation. Remember how Paul warned how he could see after he died that men would bring in heresies into the church (assembly of believers)? I believe that is the liberalizing of the church from the evident truth (literal grasping) of God's word.
  • #64
My point was, you keep saying you won't be equal, well, equality isn't just the word marriage, it is't just one slice of what you want, in this instance, your talking about an institution that was founded for the sole purpose of forming a new familial unit, making babies, and so on. my point was that your biologically incapable of being = in this sense.

...We don't care what it was or was not originally for. Today, it's regulated by the state. The state doesn't include is in a legal act. Marriage today is not a holy covenant with God, it's a license. If someone wants to disagree with me, I'll say "Well, where's your license? There it is? Oh ok, I thought I was right." We want a license that says "Marriage" on it. That is what we want. We do not care WHY people originally got married. That's irrelevant.

The gay community wouldn't deny the heterosexual community anything. We know what it's like to be excluded. If you think words don't matter, get a civil union instead of a marriage or else don't say that words don't matter.

So, yes. If you don't believe we should get married, but fully support civil unions, then you don't want us to be equal, in my book. This is the same thing as saying "Sorry! You can't have an Alfa Romeo! But that jeep over there does the same thing with the same features!" or "Sorry! No high school diploma for you! You're more than welcome to a GED, though."

This is my point, Zappa. You mention Paul. I mean.. who cares? So what? What does this have to do with today? America doesn't care about Paul or what he saw. Why don't the religious just realize that no one but other religious people care? If it wasn't for the "liberalization" of the church, I wouldn't even believe in Jesus today. Are you saying I was better as an atheist, than I am now, interpreting God in my own way and having a relationship with Christ? No snickering, Phission! Lol. You guys can say stuff like "Well the covenant with the Gentiles made blah and blah and blah not apply to us." and I can say "Go ahead and add homosexuality to that list." and you'll say "Well... all except THAT one..."..... see how weak that argument is? It's so funny without meaning to be, it could be an SNL skit. Just a transcript of this thread could be their script.
  • #65
If you were gay, would you want to not be able to marry? People marry as a way to represent true love, gay love can be as strong as heterosexual love. It's not exactly someones fault that they are gay, it's natural, because of something that occurs naturally beyond their power happens doesn't mean they should be shunned and given lesser privileges. That sounds awfully familiar, sounds like slavery. Except in this case, it's not physical slavery, it's social slavery, and the only way to fix that is for people to learn to accept people for who they are, this is a country of people to be united, however different they may be, or are we only going to give strength to some and bring others to their knees?
  • #66
Personally, if it is true that a lord or a savior's teachings instructed me to look down upon others or think less of others based on reasons they can't control is not a lord or savior that I want to follow. You can take that one of two ways: 1.) the lord or savior is a just entity that believes in equal and just treatment of everyone; or, 2.) I am spiritually misguided and have no hope of salvation. Either interpretation is fine by me because it is simply an interpretation. If on judement day I stand before god I will accept either decree he might hold for me with pride and self-worth. I'll never know until I die and I'm perfectly comfortable with that because I value the company of those around me.

  • #67
I missed a few hours and this post mushroomed beyond what I'm willing to read. But I skimmed through and think someone said government should only be involved in the civil union business, not the marriage business. Amen. If the Southern Baptists don't want to marry gays and the UCC Congregationals do, government should stay out of it. And if a married couple wants to have their wedded bliss recognized by the government, they can file for a civil union.
  • #68
Taken from :

A. According to Lambda Legal Defense, more than 1,400 legal rights are conferred upon heterosexual married couples in the United States. By not being allowed to marry, gays and lesbians are denied these rights. Even in the state of Massachusetts, the only US state with legalized gay marriage, most of the benefits of marriage do not apply, because the Defense of Marriage Act states that the federal government only recognizes marriage as "a legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife".

1. Joint parental rights of children
2. Joint adoption
3. Status as "next-of-kin" for hospital visits and medical decisions
4. Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains
5. Immigration and residency for partners from other countries
6. Crime victims recovery benefits
7. Domestic violence protection orders
8. Judicial protections and immunity
9. Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will
10. Public safety officers death benefits
11. Spousal veterans benefits
12. Social Security
13. Medicare
14. Joint filing of tax returns
15. Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children
16. Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children
17. Child support
18. Joint Insurance Plans
19. Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits
20. Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs
21. Estate and gift tax benefits
22. Welfare and public assistance
23. Joint housing for elderly
24. Credit protection
25. Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans

These are just a few of the 1400 state and federal benefits that gays and lesbians are denied by not being able to marry.

Most of these benefits cannot be privately arranged or contracted for within the legal system.
  • #69
Indeed the "marriage" being discussed is solely a legal contract with the state that confers all manner of financial and obligation-related benefits and protections. To wish to deny those protections and financial benefits to gays is to simply lack humanity and a sense of fairness out of some misguided sense of Biblical obligation (nowhere in which it says to restrict the legal rights of heretics.)

Churches can "marry" whoever they want, heck they can marry 10 people together or two dogs if they want. That's called freedom of religion. It is ONLY the state legal contract at issue. And the Constitution is supposed to give us equal protection under the law - a concept a bit too complicated for some, it seems.

  • #70
Plenty of heteros are in miserable marriages and, if you can't condone the gay life, why not offer them the same pain?
  • #71
The slavery of the Bible is different than the slavery of the South. Today the slavery of the Bible is related to today's debt (credit cards, loans, etc.).

So it's OK to commit atrocities against people for the right reasons?

No one suggested making seperate water fountains and bathrooms for homosexuals. Linking homosexuality to the AA civil rights movement is weak.

No, it's the truth. Ok, so there was never slavery of homosexuals, but there has been rampant discrimination, up to and including legal execution, for centuries.

Hate is hate. And, oddly enough, both times conservative churches were strongly pro-hate.

Oh really, then your claiming that there has never been a gay man who's been with a woman before? Oh and your claiming that bisexuals don't exist either right? Or transsexuals? Right.

Strawman fallacy. I said that sexual orientation is an issue of physiology, not morality, and there is no doubt about that. Bisexuals respond physiologically to both sexes, and transgender do to their preferences.

I'd ask you to debate the point, but since you clearly don't have a logical leg to stand on, you'd just embarrass yourself more.

Maybe because the definition has historical and religious meaning that has co-existed longer than the current liberalizing west society of today?

Older is irrelevant. The old definition of marriage forbid mixed-race marriages, and, surprise surprise, churches were against the repeal of anti-misegination laws.

I can't dictate to others how to live but they can dictate to me? Sorry that just doesn't make sense.

How does someone else's marriage dictate how you live?

Oh, that's right, because you're so narrow-minded and intolerant that you can't stand to know that other people are different from you.

Oh really. That's interesting, I will ask my professors to quit using those dang cloud god books.

If they're using the Bible as a reference for history, yes, ask them to stop, or your degree won't be worth much.
WRONG. Since you obviously lack expertise in this field let me tell you something. To be a Christian is to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Doing anything that doesn't agree with the teachings of Christ is a cult. Look that one up.

Oh, so you aren't a Christian then. No, sorry, you aren't, because you don't follow every single rule that Bob's First Church of Nowhere follows.

I explicitly said not to commit the "No true scotsman" fallacy, and you reply with a textbook example.

Churches that accept gays may be a more liberal version of Christianity, but they are Christian, whether you like it or not. Next you'll claim that Catholics aren't Christian.

Your a bigot for thinking that homosexuality should produce children in the first place. It takes two different accessories last time I checked and there's a good reason for it.

I'm sorry, what? How is letting others live their lives their way bigotry? Do you even own a dictionary? I ask nothing, nothing, but that you refrain for forcing others to follow your obsolete morals.

in this instance, your talking about an institution that was founded for the sole purpose of forming a new familial unit, making babies, and so on. my point was that your biologically incapable of being = in this sense.

So infertile couples should be denied marriage?

to me makes it sound like if i am not with you i am against you

Ever vote for a politician who in turn voted against gay rights? Then you're against us.

Homosexuality is not shall we say, a good thing in that book. There are passages that specifically speak towards it being wrong..

There are also passages which say it's a mortal sin to wear cloth of two different fabrics and eat shelfish.

If you want conservatives to stay out of your life (politics), why don't you offer the same courtesy and stay out of their lives (the church=assembly of believers)? Is that concept not fair and balanced?

Sure. So that means legal abortion across the board, gay marriage, stem cell research, the abolishment of all 'blue laws' regulating the sales of liquor, and no more attempts to push creationism into schools. Comply with that, and I'll consider it a worthwhile separation of church and state.

but Christ does not condone sin. Who Was it that preached Hell more than anyone else in the New Testament and to repent and believe the Gospel?

So, you're content going to hell because you wear cotton-nylon blends?

Can we not shun labels for the sake of civil argument, and your assumptions that all conservatives have an agenda to further some kind of "reich".

No. Because the conservatives *do* have precisely that agenda. Look up Dominionism. Welcome to the ugly truth - the Republicans are willing party to a movement to create a theocracy. And I apply the label of bigot to anyone who opposes equal rights, no matter what their reason.

If this is what Christianity is about, then I would ally myself with Satan over God. Time for a regime change.

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  • #72
I hate to defend anything Outsiders says, but two people mentioned his joke about his professors. I think he was trying to say he has real professors who teach from history books, and when he made a reference to the bible it was sarcastic, guys. He was saying that's what his professors taught him from a history book or taught from their own opinion.

Outsiders is not known here to be a funny person. Keep that in mid next time he tries to make a joke :)

I don't believe in a secret republican agenda. I do believe in the Gay Mafia, though. Watch out!
  • #73
I'm so conservative I make dictators look like boyscouts. I also live in the 2nd most conservative city in the nation, BUT, there are things that regardless of my extreme rightwing views (and in some cases, they are very extreme), I just can't agree with in terms of stereotypical conservativism. Gay marriage is an example. I don't care. It's a non issue for me...doesn't affect me either way. I don't understand how someone can get angry about homosexuals getting married, especially because that person remains totally unaffected in all cases no matter what. I also like abortion....a lot. I'm 21 and about to (hopefully) go to medical school. If I accidentally got a girl pregz, we would be taking a trip to Walmart for some RU-486. Religion sees it as "murder" even if you chemically abort a blob composed of 18 undifferentiated cells...I see a baby as a parasite until it can survive on its own without being hooked up to tubes and machines and so forth (sometimes they even kill the "host"). I also would like to see billions (yes billions) of dollars pumped into stem cell research. It is the only thing that has the potential to save a ridiculously high amount of lives a year. And come on...anyone who doesn't want to be able to regrow a limb is unamerican. Hell, I want 4 arms so I can play a double necked guitar all the time.

Point is....republicans/conservatives aren't all bad....though I do admit I'm a rare breed :D.
  • #74
Are you kidding me? While I do not at all agree with linking the case of homosexuals to the case of blacks during racial discrimination, that claim is ridiculous. How was the slavery different? In both cases people were forced to work fields among many other things against their will. Sounds the same to me. I also don't think Jesus had a Visa, so I don't know how some nomads living in the middle of nowhere 2000 years ago could know about credit card debt and make an awful analogy to it.

Back then if you were in debt to someone, becoming a slave was a way to work off your debt.

I find it hilarious that someone that believes in a fairy tale and denies scientific fact has the tenacity to call someone else ignorant. Lots of ideas in the bible have been discarded as a product of time. I bet you've disobeyed your parents before, so I guess you wouldn't mind if I get some people together to come stone you to death, right? If you think homosexuality is a sin, time to stop being a caveman and realize that its 2007.

I deny scientific fact, where? I understand that you don't agree with my faith but have some respect, there's no need to be a chump. I made the "ignorant" statement because it would be ignorant to report me to the mods for saying that homosexuality is categorized as a sin as is stealing, murdering or rape. Your arguments lack foundation, what are you trying to say anyways? It's 2007 so for some reason now homosexuality isn't a sin to God anymore? Mmmmk...

So just because an idea has been around a long time, that automatically makes it right? I guess its ok to beat women then in your mind. I guess Odinism, which predates Christianity by about 2000 years is really the right religion, simply because its been around so long. Odinism doesn't even mention homosexuality, so I guess you should take a page out of their book (well books rather). Actually your ilk has stolen many a thing from Odinism now that I'm on the topic. Ever wonder why your holidays are when they are? And no, Jesus was not born December 25th lol.

Once again, another toilet flush of an argument. I never said because marriage has been around longer makes it "right". I said that because marriage has been historically and religiously around longer, maybe that's reason enough to not change its definition. Oh and Dude you better be quiet, Opus Dei is going to come over there and silence you for letting out that information. Seriously who didn't know that Jesus wasn't born on December 25th? Obviously those dates were chosen to represent and celebrate Jesus's birth and death. You almost single handedly killed my faith, close one!

Your professors teach from the bible? That is the saddest and biggest disgrace to education I have ever heard in my life. I really truly feel sorry for you. Getting no education is better than being "educated" by the worst piece of filth to ever slime its way across the literary table. I'll tell you what, I'll write a book of nonsense, bigotry, hate, and hilarity, and you can be exclusively educated from that. What "school" do you go to? University of Ignorance?

+5 Intelligence to JLAP. BTW who are the real discriminators and haters of this thread?

Maybe YOU should look that one up. Jews and Muslims aren't considered a cult, and they don't have a man-crush on Jesus.

I'm honestly running out of patience responding to stupid statements such as these. I'll save my text.

Wait..what? That argument makes negative sense. I guess bacterial fission, parthenogenesis, vivipary, etc, are all sins too. Hmm seeing as most life on earth is bacteria, hell must be a dirty place :D.

Seriously where do you get this stuff from? Please put down the embalmed doobie.

You don't deserve something better until you can come up with better evidence than "because its in the bible".

I don't deserve something better....once again I'm lost someone get me a map with detailed directions.
  • #75
The anti-Christianity horde just sits and waits at the dinner table with fork in hand, mouths drooling, waiting for news like this! Waiting to point the finger and generalize the Christian faith as a fake. I think it's safe to say most people accept that Christians believe in God, Jesus and the Holy spirit but I think people forget that there is an opposition. Satan. News like this is used as a weapon to combat the Christian faith and to keep non-believers...non-believers and haters...haters. How often do you hear on the news the good things that...wait that's an oxymoron.

Homosexuality is a sin, just as lusting, adultery, stealing, murder, drunkenness (of any kind), incest..need I go further? Sin is simply anything that misses the mark of God and they are equal in God's eyes. You have free will, you can choose to serve God or indulge in the desires of the flesh but you can't serve both. You are either killing sin or sin is killing you. Can you pursue a lifestyle of sin and still be saved? Anything is possible thanks to God's mercy and grace and those quick to judge homosexuals need to remind themselves that they will be judged by the SAME God. However what people fail to comprehend is that God is not just for the ticket to heaven but this life we are living now. When you are living a life full of sin you are preventing God from blessing and working in your life. Sin only satisfies you temporarily like a drug, then you have to go and get some more to feel good. Each time it promises and entices you to do it again because it'll be so much better the next time but lets you down. It never satisfies. When you replace the sin in your life for a relationship with God it changes everything. Jesus sweat blood just pondering being disconnected from God.

Regardless of how great God is, there will be people who choose to live their own lives serving their flesh, which is their right to choose. However marriage is a covenant between one man, one woman and God. God forgives sin but does not endorse it. That is why gay marriage does not work. Homosexuals should be allowed to have the same legal rights as a heterosexuals but to use the word marriage just isn't right. If homosexuals are not happy with having equal rights and being called a civil union than I think there is a more underlying agenda here. That would be that homosexuals are more concerned with using the word "marriage" to make their unions deemed as socially acceptable and the "norm" which it isn't. It's the same with being an alcoholic, drug addict, gambler, thief, murder, or pedophile should these be deemed as socially acceptable because people choose to live their lives this way?

Totally agree and could have never siad it better :-D
  • #76
Wow...This is Sick!

I believe in and try my best to follow Christ and the example he set for us, but sometimes I'm ashamed to call myself a "Christian."

Some of these people REALLY need to re-read the new testament.

EDIT: Actually, what I'm saying is solely on the very first post, as I didn't bother taking the time to read any of the responses....sorry for any confusion.
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  • #77
Personally, if it is true that a lord or a savior's teachings instructed me to look down upon others or think less of others based on reasons they can't control is not a lord or savior that I want to follow. You can take that one of two ways: 1.) the lord or savior is a just entity that believes in equal and just treatment of everyone; or, 2.) I am spiritually misguided and have no hope of salvation. Either interpretation is fine by me because it is simply an interpretation. If on judement day I stand before god I will accept either decree he might hold for me with pride and self-worth. I'll never know until I die and I'm perfectly comfortable with that because I value the company of those around me.


Well first you would have to learn how to read the lord or savior's text and comprehend that. No one here is saying to look down on homosexuals, I love them as I love myself. I can love someone and still not support something they do. I'm sure we can all think of relationships we have with someone where this is true. However like Rampuppy stated, marriage is an institution of God that is currently being attacked because people want to change the definition God chose. It's really not hard to understand. Nowhere have I said to deny homosexuals the right to unite with someone under the law, with the same rights as heterosexuals. JLAP has already explained earlier the problem is homosexuals want to change the definition of marriage to make gay marriage more socially acceptable.
  • #78
Taken from :

A. According to Lambda Legal Defense, more than 1,400 legal rights are conferred upon heterosexual married couples in the United States. By not being allowed to marry, gays and lesbians are denied these rights. Even in the state of Massachusetts, the only US state with legalized gay marriage, most of the benefits of marriage do not apply, because the Defense of Marriage Act states that the federal government only recognizes marriage as "a legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife".

1. Joint parental rights of children
2. Joint adoption
3. Status as "next-of-kin" for hospital visits and medical decisions
4. Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains
5. Immigration and residency for partners from other countries
6. Crime victims recovery benefits
7. Domestic violence protection orders
8. Judicial protections and immunity
9. Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will
10. Public safety officers death benefits
11. Spousal veterans benefits
12. Social Security
13. Medicare
14. Joint filing of tax returns
15. Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children
16. Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children
17. Child support
18. Joint Insurance Plans
19. Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits
20. Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs
21. Estate and gift tax benefits
22. Welfare and public assistance
23. Joint housing for elderly
24. Credit protection
25. Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans

These are just a few of the 1400 state and federal benefits that gays and lesbians are denied by not being able to marry.

Most of these benefits cannot be privately arranged or contracted for within the legal system.

Homosexuals should be entitled to everyone of those 1400 rights, but not under the term "marriage".
  • #79
Read a book that doesn't feature magical cloud-gods. You may learn something.

You're a hypocrite merely looking for an excuse to justify your own homophobic bigotry.

And next time, try *thinking* rather than just dismissing things out of hand.

If your ignorant enough to report me to the mods because I classified homosexuality as a sin, just like murder, rape and stealing then go right ahead, we'll see how far you get with that :crazy:.

Your a bigot for thinking that homosexuality should produce children in the first place.

I'd ask you to debate the point, but since you clearly don't have a logical leg to stand on, you'd just embarrass yourself more.

Oh, that's right, because you're so narrow-minded and intolerant that you can't stand to know that other people are different from you.

For the most part this thread has remained relatively civil. Let's keep it that way and stop the name calling, finger pointing, and assuming we know each other based on some posts in a topic. It's not fair to classify anyone, especially if your logical argument for your conclusion is based upon a written post in a thread. And while we're at it, let's stop dissecting logic and linguistics. There is a much better way to counter a point than calling someone ignorant or saying they lack the logical tools.

This is obviously a hot button topic, and you all will be commended at the end of the day if you follow a basic rule of this forum: treat each other with respect. With that said, please continue.

Oh, and don't bypass the word filter.

  • #80
... What's conservative about you, again? Athiest, support gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research?

Are you living in a parallel universe, by any chance? No?

Outsiders, I detest any sort of "reporting" on something like this because it's like snitching. The reason he got upset wasn't because you said it was sinful, but because you said it was as bad as pedophilia.

Awfully opinionated, aren't we jm82792? Care to elaborate on your concurring opinions?
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