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Proper pronunciation of Aéropostale


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OK. I have always pronounced it as aero-pastal. Really "aero" with a noticable E sound, and not "arrow".The "post" part of "aeropostale" I pronounce like the "past" in "Pasta". I actually asked the dude that worked there yesterday, and he pronounced it as arow (like "a row boat" with A and Row pushed together) pastahl with a really noticeable H sound. His pronunciation of aero wasn't like "arrow", it was literally like "a row boat", but he pronounced the a as "ah" but I have also heard it as arrow-postal. I've also heard people use a siltent T, like in the word "Apostle"!

So.. what is it? Lmao. Everyone has their own opinion, but what is the real french pronunciation?
arrow-post-al (short a as in apple) That's how I pronounce it.
FWIW might depend on your background... when I had dealings with the french aerospace mfg Aérospatiale, we pronounced their name closer to your second version

there is no rush like hugging the terrain at full throttle...

for years the Tee Shirts you see left me wondering what the heck, dont they know they f'ed up.... LOL

I don't know why they named it that... I think it's an American company... naming it air mail is weird.

Of course it's an attractive word, and a lot of people think anything is cooler is it's french, so maybe that's why.