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Is the GRASS really greener in California?

  • #21
Adrian, are you talking about the case where the farmer was making his own seeds / strains of tomatoes? I thought that was one of the most ridiculous things I'd ever heard. It essentially comes down to making every one of us who's ever pollinated any of our terrarium plants and traded seeds by mail into lawbreakers. That's Keynesian conglomerate capitalism for you...

"The act of simply existing has been made illegal. If you're not making money for some corporation then you must be stealing it from some corporation. Give us enough time and we'll figure out how you're doing it." Mr. Bickford said, smiling as he set the phone down and leaned back in his brown leather chair. Turning to look out his Big Picture window and scanning the horizon he looked as if he was thinking of new ways to drive a bulldozer through the ghettos, and probably about who he wanted to get to drive that bulldozer. I thought to myself - I'm getting outta here me!

Someone said earlier there is two constitutions, that's not official but that's how it seems to work. There's the constitution (the icon) and then there's the way the country is actually run. Of course if the constitution was followed to the letter Obama would be picking cotton and not president... so even the original is flawed. I have no problem with a complete and modern rewrite as long as all citizens of the country are allowed to read & vote on it. So what if it takes 10-20 years to do it.
  • #22
im a firm believer in the Constitution as it sits, most of the later amendments expanded freedoms to ppl who did not have them before, im all for that........as for how the feds run things, while all our senators, representatives and our president have sworn to uphold our constitution the vast majority flat out ignore it.....its not like we have two separate Constitutions, its alot closer to us not having one at all in practice........
  • #23
Well they pretend to claim follow some "letter of law"... At least we can all see the truth.. laws are for only for the people!

If the government doesn't trust the people why don't they dissolve them and elect a new people? :D
  • #24
Here is an article that highlights the battle between federal and state level laws.


The DEA was trumping state decisions, enforcing the federal power of authority.

Interesting read if you're interested in the issue.