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elephant versus pygmy

A hunter walking through the jungle
found a huge dead elephant with a pygmy
standing beside it.

Amazed, he asked "Did you kill that?!"

The pygmy said, "Yes."

The hunter asked, "How could a little guy like you kill a huge beast
like that?"

"I killed it with my club."

The astonished hunter asked, "How big is your club?"

The pygmy replied, "There are about 60 of us."


what do you find between an elephants toes?

slow running natives

how to get an elephant

First they dig a hole in the ground that is large enough to fit an elephant in, and then put a liberal sprinkling of ashes in the bottom. Then they camouflage the top of the hole with pea plants from a neighbors garden. Then you wait, and eventually, the elephant . . . .


comes to take a pea,

you kick him in the ash hole.
boooo =] hahah. i love word modification jokes!