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Question About Fertilization


BS Bulldozer
Are there any temperate CPs which absolutely should not be fertilized, however lightly? The plan for my in-ground is to have it dominated by Sarrs, and probably a Darlingtonia or two but to also have many associated plants such as Orchids, Meadow Beauty, Milkwort, Pipewort, etc. In addition rather than a covering of live Sphagnum I plan on a heath of Cranberries. I plan on light fertilization with the understanding that the bog is primarily about the Sarrs. I guess I'm really referring rather specifically to Drosera filiformis and similar species, since they're the only other temperate CPs tall enough to stick up above the heath, but I also plan on a recirculating aquatic component that I'd like to keep Utricularia in as well. TIA!
D.filiformis doesn't tolerate fertillizer well, neither do any of the other US native sundews. Utrics respond well to low doses, as do many sarrs.
I could say that Venus flytraps can be very intolerant of fertilizers, but I only have experience with one occasion. It involved my plants' tray, some Miracle-Gro (albeit very dilute Miracle-Gro), four Venus flytraps, one sundew, and one butterwort. Strangely, only one of my flytraps responded negatively to the fertilizer; all the others got impressive growth spurts. Maybe it's just the genetics of individual plants?