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Ordering perlite?

So, how many bags of perlite (1bag=1oz)would I have to buy to equal one cup? I think 8 oz equals one cup, right? I would need roughly 5 cups (40oz or bags) of perlite to be safe from reordering again. Since I am a "whip" and do not want to buy stuff from a store because fear of killing my Cp's due to hidden ingredients. I believe this is the safest method.

So, much for courage but this is dealing with CP’s and I can not take any chances…
how do you buy your peat moss and LFS too? on internet?

i get my perlite from home deopt or wal mart, its Schultz perlite

its really good, dosnt have ANY added stuff, and i have used it for like 4 months now and all my plants are growing wonderfully

the peat mossi use is schultz canadian sphagnum peat moss, and the lfs is the lfs from the better gro company

they are all safe and NO added ingrediants, its better to buy a whole zip lock bag from schultz perlite from wal mart then the cups, its liek 4 dollers i think and trust me theres alot in there, ive gone threw 2 bags of peat moss and 3 of LFS and i still have the sme perlite bag and its not even half way gone yet, like 1/.4th gone,

the schultz perlite has no added stuff, i think ram puppy uses it and alot of other people, it is safe
I buy my Peat Moss from Ace hardware. It is Scotts Sphagnum Moss. Then I bought my Sphagnum moss from : www.calwesttropical.com. I just have so much peat moss that I need something to give the plants air. I hear of everthing about mixing but I do not think I am at that stage yet.
All I know is have not found anything that says Perlite on it. I have heard of Shultz before. Good product.
if theres a wal mart by you i guarente they will have schultz perlite

i thibnk my cps like the schutlz peat moss more instead of scotts, i use sctos before but when its moist for a logn time it gets that mud smell,
, peat moss when u open the bag it smells good and smels like that gfor like a week when planted

try LFS too for neps
I have D. adelaes in pure peat moss (I know it is bad) and it does smell a bit. The wierd part is the adelaes are growing great. I have like 14 in one 8 inch pot but I know my time is running out and I need something so it can breath. I will keep an eye out for schutlz peat moss. I will also go to Mal*of Warts to see if I can find thee elusive perlite.

As for my NepE I have that in pure long Sphagnum moss and it is good (darn it,I am getting digital soon!! camera that is) As soon as I get a digital camera I will post some picturs of it.
