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  • Thread starter Tristan
  • Start date
The links should work now. I'll add more pictures soon!
Nope it aint happening Tristan
do you know how to post the pics here? right click the pic go to properties copy the web url then hit image while your posting and paste.. thats it
Its a link. You can't post pictures from that site or link directly to the pictures.
So you have to view the album.

BTW, I've added more pics to the album.
Does anybody know what the ping or sundew two is in my album?
Hi Tristan.
Unknown clown was refering to tha fact that your link doesn't work  
 We get a message telling us that we are not the owner of that album and that we have to be logged in to view it.
Try registering and uploading your photo's at this site
They allow you to link to the image in your album.

This is D.aliciae parasuco.


Does anybody know what this is?


Or what this?


How'd he get in here?