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Leptotes bicolor Orchid (Ozzy_girl $20)


BS Bulldozer
I'm offering a blooming size Leptotes bicolor, currently in spike. L. bicolor is a miniature member of the Cattlyea alliance and is a very easy orchid to grow. Very suitable for a bright windowsill. And as a bonus, the seed pods are a source of vanillin and are used like regular vanilla beans. The upside is that this plant won't have to be 10' long to flower, and when it does flower the window to pollinate is measured in weeks, not hours like the genus Vanilla! Here's a link to a pic.http://www.orchidboard.com/community/cattleya-alliance/75575-leptotes-bicolor-experiment.html The actual plant being offered is in pic #2. Plant will be shipped bare root US only, shipping is on me. Starting bid is $5.
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High bidder: If you haven't already, please contact the donor directly regarding shipping arrangements, including how to pay for any shipping costs if noted in the original post. Please remember to return to this thread to note when the item has been shipped and received so that the thread can be closed appropriately.

Thanks for supporting the NASC this year! :)
Shipped 4/21
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  • #10
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