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my first pitcher plant

I was looking around at Home Depot and found an entire table of carnivorous plants... all which were not doing too great.

I already had 2 vft's (plus the one's they had there were all turning brown and moldy) so I looked at the "Cobra Plants" as they was labelled. They were all Sarracenia's and Nepenthes. Again they were not in the greatest of shapes but I managed to find one Sarra and Nep in fair shape.

My question? The Sarra that I picked up had one dying pitcher which was brown/black with a white chalky substance (I'm assuming it's mold). I cut away the dead pitcher but left behind in the live peat moss and on a neighboring pitcher was some of the decay matter. The entire plant seems to be doing really well, but should I take extra precaution and treat with fungucide?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Wow that is really neat
I work at the home depot, and we have no Cp's at my store at all. I have been pushing the person in garden that orders all the plants to order some VFT's or any type of CP, hopefully it works soon

On to your question about the fungicide. I don't think you should have to use any fungicide on the plant, I would just slowly adjust it to a change in humidity and lighting, with enough light and distilled, R/O, or rain water the plant should be fine, that is just what I would do.
dfalkanger... thanks for the advice.

Regarding Home Depot... I was shocked also to see them there because I went a week or two before and didn't see any. I suspect that there's a Canadian company making the rounds selling CP's to commercial retailers around here in Toronto. I keep seeing the same vft's in various stores. Well at least now I know they also sell Sarracenia's too...
Maybe it would be worth using a fungicide and insecticide - your plant has been neglected and who knows how long it's been there! I would also rinse it through with distilled water, it's probably been watered (if at all) with tap water.
Fungicide 3 by Schultz worked for me on simular situation... but that was a nep.