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My Darlingtona, who I got in January half dead and bairly 2 inches tall at the largest trap has died.  After I adopted it and placed it in a reptiflo waterfall fountain hoping it would be kept cool by the evaporation of the water splashing over it's roots it quickly begain sending up new traps, each at least one cm bigger then the last untill it reach 5 inches tall and had turned such a deep crimpson red i wasn't even sure if it was alive and red or dead and redish brown, lol.  I was so happy, but the end of last month brought tragity.  I was going on a trip with my grandparents, I had to leave NOW, but my pump was gurgleing and needed to be refilled.  I asked my parents to fill it and plug it back in as I ran out the door.  Apparently the 'Plug it back in' was missed and as such I returned home blissfully unaware it was still off >_<  That is untill I pulled my cover off to chuck some cucumber beetles in for them to eat... their was little darlingtona, very dry, brown and dead, my pump was off and while the humidity had stayed up from the resent temperture spike in combo with water added to the inactive fountain, my little darlingtona had roasted without it's cool stream of water, the rest of my plants were fine, except for my pygmies who have been stedally decreasing in health for 2 months now for lord knows what reason and er... yah back on the subject, my poor little darlingtona, dead.  I failed it, but I admit my error, appologise to my plant and with a heavy heart move on, perhaps some day I will meet another abandond moldy little plant in the corner of a lows.  Should this occur, I sware I WILL save it and in memory of my first darlingtona, attempt to propigate it and fill the void I created in my neglect.  Thank you for reading this obichuary(sp.)
i'd baby it for a little while, it might come back!
LOL, not a darlingtona. They are very VERY sensitive. It dried nice, I think I'll keep it.
go for it
i've nursed a dried darlingtonia back to health, however.

there are no "rules" when it comes to cp's, plants don't read books.
I got a Darlingtonia from Lowe's that was unrooted. Threw it outside in the spring....about 2 frosts hit nice and chilly, its rooted and alive. I woulda thought it would be dead by now seeing how touchy these guys can be.
CP plants are our friends. We must not give up on our friends! Hey, ya never know.
Well I almost cried after reading that.
J/K. How could a plant obictuary be so touching...

Yes, like they say, don't give up yet, until you are SURE it has turned into a mush of cells. My dead neps have come back to life before, lord knows how that happened, probably that bulb was still healthy, ya, Jimscott, hear hear...they our friends!

If you want to keep it, why not keep it a a pressed plant. You know, pressed dreid flowers, pressed plants, same thing. Thinking of starting a booklet for all the VFT leaves and nep pitchers that have fallen off for a while now, should be interesting... :-