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I tried it.

I took a leaf cutting as an experiment from my S.rubra to see if a plant might grow from it. Has anybody else tried a leaf cutting from their sarracenia and succeded?
I think I've tried it before; If I remember correctly its possible to get leaf cuttings to root, but they don't actually form rhizomes etc. unless you remove a part of the rhizome along with the leaf. Let us know how it works for you, though!

i've done it unintentionally, while pulling weeds. a couple of times i accidentally pulled a sarracenia leaf along with the weeds. stuck it back in the soil, gave it no special treatment. and i'm happy to report each time was a success. i should add that in each instance a small piece of rhizome was still attached. they're all still alive today and actively growing new pitchers.
I will let you know if anything happens to it.
I seem to remember reading about doing that in the Cp news letter put out by the ICPS. I haven't tried it but I would like to eventually.
IF you have a part of the rhizime it will definatly root and grow. Putting it temperarily in a terrarium is advised but not always nessicary.
The CPN had an article in the past year about this. I don't think they had much success with upright species, but decumbent ones worked well.

I can say from experience that S. purpurea ssp. venosa responds quite well to this. I had one from Lowe's that had produced a stalk that had tiny pitchers coming off it. I snipped it off close to the soil level, dipped it in Olivia's cloning gel, and stuck it in 2:1 peat:sand, covered with humidity dome. No activity for 2-3 months, then it started sending up new pitchers.