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Artist's depictions of insectivores

CPs have occasionally been the subject matter of painters, with varying degrees of whimsy and artistic license being employed on the part of the illustrator. (often botanical accuracy takes a back seat to flights of fancy) However, I have had a friend point out one work by Madelaine Von Foerster that takes few, if any, liberties with the subject matter, and in fact, this is a remarkable work in that it clearly depicts specific cultivars in at least two instances! See for yourself:

From: http://www.madelinevonfoerster.com/art-2011-donneunica.htm

Any other art works you have encountered worth bringing to our attention? Link to 'em here!
While they may not meet the criteria of some, I have been very impressed by the sketches of James O'Neill - a young lad in the UK.
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That link took me to a UK forum where I was given a "not found" response :-(
Wow - very interesting. I click on the link & am transported directly to the thread... OK - I edited the link & removed the 'stuff' that I suspect is linked to my logon to CPUK. Give it another try & see if it functions ...
That link took me to a UK forum where I was given a "not found" response :-(

I have tried it and had the same issue. Then I logged into CPUK, followed the link again and it's working :)
Nope, I still get: [#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in.
Same error message amph. For those of us who are not CPUK members, we'll have to do without.
Same error message amph. For those of us who are not CPUK members, we'll have to do without.
Can't really imagine a CP'er not having a presence on CPUK. While the volume seems to have a taken a hit when Aidan left, it's 2nd only to TF imho. While fewer posts, the number of Euro growers who grow rare plants and have a bunch of knowledge exceeds what's available domestically. Bottom line - there's stuff in that forum we can't get over here (think: more Pygo's...) :-O

Anyway - back on topic. I PM'd James & he granted me permission to post some of his sketches - so here are a few of them ....



For more, you'll apparently have to become a member and check out his thread. FYI - he does these sketches by commission ...
  • #10
Dang those are good!
  • #11
That painting is incredible, especially using egg tempera!

Here's a young Finnish artist who does some nice Nepenthes paintings on occasion.

Malaysian artist/biologist. This is an excellent N. villosa depiction.

And of course, who can forget about Marianne North?