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Moldy seeds

Hey guys, so I put a bunch of sarr seeds in my fridge 3-4 weeks ago. Each cross was wrapped in a slightly moist paper towel (I ran out of LFS and was recommended to use this by a fellow grower) and then that was put inside of an airtight ziploc bag. Unfortunately when I checked today, there was all these spots of black mold on the paper towels inside and many of the seeds were covered in it too. Is there any chance that these seeds can survive at this point or are they toast...? And is there anything I should treat the seeds with if they do still have a chance? Thanks for your help guys, its much appreciated. I can try and get some pictures up tomorrow if that would help...
Honestly I would still try to grow them. I don't know if there is anyway to get rid of the mold without hurting the seed, but seriously if the seed has mold on it do you think its even alive still?
Don't give up on the seed. I tried the fridge paper towel method this year in July and had the same problem with mold on the paper towels and a good portion of the seed. I sprayed all the seed with Safer Garden Fungicide and planted them in pots outside. Less than half the seed germinated in the normal amount of time. However, when I put the seed pots into the greenhouse at the end of summer and we had some unseasonably warm sunny days where it got pretty warm in the greenhouse, to my surprise more of the seed germinated. It was not a good germination rate, but I did get germination of some of the moldy seed and the seedlings look good.
Thanks guys :D I pulled all of the ones that still looked okay and cleaned em up. I ordered that Safer Fungicide too - hopefully I'll still get some germination like you did, DJ. It's good to know that someone else has had the same problem and still received some plants out of the lot.