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Ping thing

I have comfermed it. Their is a ping in MI. Um, does anyone here know which one it is? All I know is that we have 1 spiecies... and that my Mom killed some on our land, SOB!
Most likely Pinguicula vulgaris.
In that case, Pingman, do you think Darcie's Mom killed them for being Vulgar?

Yes, Latin: vulgaris means; common, ordinary, usual.
LOL. Well, that would hold true for most CPs in MI, but we are the only region that can boste having representitives from 4 differnt CP generia!
P. vulgaris are tiny... Would it be easy for u to find the little guy?
I am holding off till spring... Um, what P. vulagris have you seen? The ones I have seen a huge! (for a ping anyways)
Alaskan P. vulgaris...

Heres a pic of Google... Not sure of it's origin, just showin ya... Is this it?