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I'm trying to germinate its seeds.

Could anyone offer some advice?

I have had pretty good luck germinating seed (Utricularia is very stubborn seed if not fresh) by sowing and providing a very fine misting a couple times a day being careful not to wash the seed away. This worked with U. tenella and U. multifada. I am currently trying it on U. caerulea. I generally keep the water level high, to within 1 cm of the substrate. Good luck!
Tamlin do you keep the whole thing in a plastic bag?
I keep them in a warm 100% humidity terrarium, and in low light. They can be very stubborn, and until I learned the spray method from the Great Master Dodec (bows low) I never was able to achieve germination....ever.
Meant to say that the plastic bag method is probably fine. Warmth seems to really help though!
Ive had success using petri dishes!!! (pyro taught me this method)
How long will it takes appropriately? I'm the type to chuck them aside and forgets them.

You know, in case they germinated and then die but I don't know...
Cindy I have had too little success to be able to say for sure, but approximately a month I think.  U. reniformis germinated within 24 hrs. though, and U. tenella was close to 2 months.