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Boiling th skin off your sculpture

First work your butt off, then bake, work on the robotic boots for another week bake again, forget to protect the back... voila! see below boiled and cracked statuary! Not sure If I'll complete the fig now I hate setbacks.



on a more positive note I finally finished the first human I ever sculpted (way back wnen I first started bothering you guys with my stuff. The wrinkles of the jacket sucks but it was the first fabrics I ever did too.



I also recieved my plastic rods (to cut into "disks"), titanium pin set and bought a benchtop drill press so I can finally start to create my own articulation (moving parts) on my wax sculptures so I can create working "action" figure prototypes! It's gonna totally rock - the ideas are already running wild in my head! I do it at the studio but I'm only using their articulation designs and for jobs we are required to do. Not original designs or whatever I feel like when I'm at home playing satan's elf!
Aww,I'm sorry about the first guy
He's got a nice butt crack now tho
Great job on the second guy,he looks awesome!Have fun with your plastic rods
Is the second guy Anton LeVay? Sure looks like him, LOL!

So sorry about the cracking...but that's the way of clay. You don't wanna know how many nice things I've worked hard on, and lost to cracks, LOL! What I really hate is when it's perfect before it goes into the kiln...and comes out of the kiln this cracked monstrosity! LOL! I fell off my skateboard again today.....April