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Hybrid Vigor - post your hybrid pics.


Lotsa blue
Awhile back I was given a hybrid sundew - a plant I hadn't really thought much about growing. It has become a favorite since and I am wondering what other cool hybrid Drosera people are growing. I'm guessing others might be interested as well. So here is a thread for posting pictures of your hybrid 'dews. Enjoy.

To begin - my Drosera ultramifica x spatulata:


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I got one, a baby D. hybrida (D. filiformis x D. intermedia). I would like to see sundew hybrids from others as well. I know there are a lot of tropical hybrids out there you don't hear much about, much less see photos of.

That is lovely Mark!
DJ! That little fellow is so cute!!!
No pics just yet, but I have what should be some interesting crosses along the way, including these and their reverses: D. madagascariensis x sp. "Lantau Island", D. spatulata 'Tamlin' x intermedia Easton, D. spat. 'Tamlin' x nidiformis, D. spat Tamlin x capillaris Long Arm, D. intermedia x capillaris Long Arm, D. intermedia x nidiformis, and D. intermedia x spat Fraser.
Those are all very nice posts. I see you guys are growing some great stuff, and there is more to come.
Loving that D. x snyderi!
D. ×obovata 'Ivan's Paddle'

D. anglica "CA × HI"

D. ×beleziana - tetraploid F1 (cutting from natural hybrid NJ, Pine Barrens treated with Colchicine) aka "Dr. Frankensnyder's Monster"

D. ×beleziana - tetraploid F2 seed grown generation notice the variation of individual plants. F3 generation should be more stable



D. ×hybrida - Butterfly Valley, CA - seed grown natural alloploid (fertile). Plants were introduced from infertile NJ, Pine Barrens plants.



D. ×tokaiensis (man-made) - fertile treated with Colchicine

untreated (sterile)
  • #10
Great plants, I'm just starting seeds of the "Frankensnyder's Monster" beleziana myself. Also especially jealous of that 'Ivan's Paddle', as I lost the only one I ever had very quickly.
  • #11
wish i had something cool to share but i'll be following this thread regardless :)
  • #13
Capensis x spatulata is a neat cross! Well, all of them are cool, but that one really caught my eye!
  • #14
'Watari' (linearis x rotundifolia) x spatulata

D. kenneallyi X ordensis


D. aff ordensis x falconeri

an unknown petiolaris hybrid.. Probably ordensis x paradoxa

D. xHybrida
  • #15
D. aff ordensis x falconeri

an unknown petiolaris hybrid.. Probably ordensis x paradoxa

Are those from the crosses that I made and sent you seed back in 2011 when you basically had nothing? The D. paradoxa crosses were clearly labeled and there is no question of the parentage. BTW selling these on eBay is not my idea of paying a gift forward.
  • #16
The falconeri ordensis seed came from you, yes.. The unknown hybrid did not. And I did give some of them away. I also kept a couple. So I dont believe you have the right to question the motive of me selling some plants when I had no money to buy groceries. So whatever dude. Get off your throne.
  • #17
Any disputes aside, I am enjoying the posts of wonderful hybrid plants. It is nice to see petiolaris 'dews included.

Another excellent article, again by John Brittnacher, can be found at: http://www.carnivorousplants.org/cp/DroseraChromosomes.php This includes a fairly complete list of more commonly-grown sundews which tells at a glance which species should be compatible for hybridizing. It includes an extensive bibliography and still more nice photos.
  • #18
The falconeri ordensis seed came from you, yes.. The unknown hybrid did not. And I did give some of them away. I also kept a couple. So I dont believe you have the right to question the motive of me selling some plants when I had no money to buy groceries. So whatever dude. Get off your throne.

i believe he had no right whatsoever, and you don't need any excuse to do what you want with your own things either
  • #19
Here are some D. x hybrida (polyploid, fertile) leaf cuttings along with their plantlets.


Since the pictures were taken I have removed and planted the little ones and replaced what was left of the leaves into clean water to see if others may still sprout. Wish me luck!
  • #20
D. venusta x capensis "alba"

Pictured with a typical capensis for comparison. The hybrid has much thicker leaves and a yellowish color.
