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Closeup please

nepenthes gracilis

Nepenthes Specialist
Could anyone get me a closeup of a D.Anglica leave? I think I may have anglica! Not sure though. May be a hybrid but look like it. Thanks!
Thansk but could you get a clsoe up of the leave? My plants are not full of leave yet, I just got them recently and they are establishing. Thanks!
I don't have any close-ups currently. Have you tried going to the image search at http://images.google.com ? just type in drosera anglica and it will come up with photos from hundreds of different web sites. Hope that helps..
Thanks purplesundew. I'll try that out!  

Ok, here's the best pic i found, hopefully it's an anglica leave!
Says it is on the web.

That is indeed Drosera anglica. The plant is very similar to intermedia, but the lamina is longer.
Ok then, I think I have D.Anglica, just to be sure I'll drive down to Tamlin's in person and show him the plant.
Yep, sure looks like an anglica leaf. These guys are so cute. They don't get HUGE like capensis
Well i am not worried about the size, it is out in the bog so it can grow. Hasn't done anything since I got them. Just one had a flower stalk and set seed so more Anglica should be poking up next year. Also my Rotundifolia's have hibernacula's already! Jeez they must be ready for a long cold winter! D.Intermedia are still growing! lol. But I am gonna wait to see if the Anglica do anything else.