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Seedling over germination

i have capensis seedlings all over the place in a four inche pot
what should i do when they get bigger
LOL Capensis seedlings everywhere! It's amazing those things don't take over the world!

I'd give 'em away, or trade 'em for something! They're so easy to grow, they're good for newbies.

I would wait until they get just a little bigger, then you can transplant them, or trade them off!

P.S moving to sundew forum, you may get more replys there.

ya i guess ill wait and trade them off for more sundews or sumpitin
Oooh, I love seedlings. :).

I would transplant them into another plant's pot, and let them have a nice "mini-jungle" effect at the base of the plant. Very few bugs will survive a good combination of Sundews and Nepenthes!