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drosera sp.auyan tepui

ive been having trouble finding info on this one, could any one give me some help. I am getting this one in a matter of days maybe today, and i forgot i was getting it. does this need dormancy, what are its temperature requirements,does it need nighttime drops in temperature,what is the best medium to place it in,what is your experience on what it likes and dislikes, is it to be kept slightly moist or sopping wet? If i forgot a question feel free to answere it also.


Drosera "sp. Auyan Tepui" is another example of a bogus species. Since there is no published description, there is no way to be sure of what anyone is growing under this name. Your Auyan Tepui could be completely different from mine, and there is no way to compare what we have to a central source. Material I have seen of this appears to be strongly affiliated with Drosera spatulata, but that is no guarentee that yours will be the same.
hey arie i am getting the plant from you what conditons have you been growing it under?