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Sundew plantlets dead

I did some leaf cuttings some 2 mths ago, putting the leaves into 2 separate pots of 1:1 peat and sand. I left the pots in the same tray of water, which was then placed in a place with some light but otherwise sheltered. Now, one of the sundew plantlets has developed beautifully, while the other leaf, after sprouting some planetlets 4 weeks back, has turned black. The plantlets, of course, are gone.

What I hope to find out, what's the problem? The 2 pots were side by side, yet in one, the plantlets died, and in the other, they thrived. I hope to find the reason so I can prevent this from happening. Thanks!
A number of reasons may have lead to this. The blackening, where did it start on the leaf? I have had this happen before, with the blackening starting from the pplace where the leaf was taken off. Maybe one leaf had a different cut then the other. By what you are saying, it seems both had the same care and condition. I hope you can find the answer, im kinda stumped
. Well, good luck-Zach
Yep, both had the same care and conditions.
The sundew was a d.intermedia and the part that turned black was the part where the tentacles and plantlets emerge from.
The only diff was the colour of the pots... one was yellow and one was blue.