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D. cap giant

hi , i brought this plant in the pft moving sell and i was just wondering does the cap mean cap or i it short for capenis or morelikly capillaris and what traits does this plant have that makes it different from whatever the cap means . i'm guessing it is bigger then the regular ofrm of whatever cap means .
how do you know larry , its more likely cappilaris because of the rossetes of leaves it forms but the plant is fat . phil or linda , do you know ?
Goldtrap, just a guess. People usually refer to capensis simply as "cap". I've never heard of capillaris being callled cap, although I'm sure some of you do. Capensis and capillaris are very different looking plants. You shouldn't have a problem distinguishing them.
I don't believe there is a capillaris 'giant' (or at least I've never heard of it)...so its most likely capensis which does have a giant form.
Probably it is D. capensis:

BTW, as a point of education the suffix -ensis whenever it occurs refers to "a location, endemic to" in this case the CAPe in South Africa.
hhhm , these don't have thin leanes leaves looks like d. aliceae a bit , i would'nt really know , i am going to pm phil to ask to make sure what the species is .
it is mostly D.capensis 'Giant' as there is presumely a varaint of capensis that gets larger then the common varaints right now. I have yet to here of capillaries 'giant'. Capensis does have rosseted leves when younger, much like all other drosera.
  • #10
My d.c "giant" has roseteted leaves right now, and is growing 1-2 leaves per day!
  • #11
Hi Pond,

It is a Capensis. Glad to hear is is doing well.
  • #12
i guess it is a capensis , i was really thinking it was a cappilaris . hhhm , well i can do do is whate til it grows more , btw , when i recieved the plant , it was in a clump with multiple plant in it , there were many thin=ck flowers stock but all of them were damged in the shiping , anybody got a pic of this plant .
  • #13
I doubt pft would get a hold of d. capensis 'giant', though I did think that I had seen giant forms of d. capillaris in the tc market.

If your plant look similar to aliciae as you say, then it is more likely to be capillaris than capensis.

if it looks like


then it is d. capensis.

If it is smaller and rosetted, similar to d. spatulata, then it is more likely to be capillaris.


  • #14
yah , i know , i have both species capensis and cappilaris so i know the differences and simmilarities . mines deffinitly does not look like that d. capnesis neither the plantlet next to it . mines must be a giant form of cappilaris , those know other explanation .now that i have closly looked at the plant , it most definitly and possibly is a giant form ofcappilaris , the leaves are spoon shapedleaves and not strapped shaped leaves like capensis .
  • #16
You got this plant from Phil? I don't think he has ever sold capillaris much less a giant form of it. He has sold capensis though. You could clear this up by asking him.
He will know what plants he had to give out. I think there were some plants from a personal collection, so perhaps it came from that and not store stock. ?? Dunno.
  • #17
yep , got the plant from phil in the sell , probbably came from the private collection .