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nepenthes gracilis

Nepenthes Specialist
Hey all, I got a free Slackii from a great friend of mine and it grows but new leaves appear without much dew and tentacles. Soooooo I am trying this: Since most of my Drosera are in the greenhouse with copious amounts of dew and growth flying out of them I decided I would throw the Slackii in with them to see if the full sun would do something good. I guess we will see how it goes. Does any one think i had low lighting problems with the dewless and tentacless leaves on it? Also I heard from a friend that it appreciates cooler roots and the water in the trays in the greenhouse is indeed cooler then what it was in orginally. Does anyone think I made a good choice by switching it to a different environment? Thanks! Nep.G.
Nep G
You don't mention what conditions your D. slackii was growing in before you moved it, I presume it was a lighted, terrarium. Your plant should be much happier in a sunny greenhouse, provided it doesn't get too hot for long periods in Summer.

If your other sundews in the greenhouse include some other S. African species, then I should think your D. slackii will be much happier. I grow mine in a cool greenhouse (winter min. temp. approx. 45F) and they love it. Plenty of growth, dew and magnificent big, deep pink flowers every year.

I think you've made the right choice, providing it's not too hot in summer, or too cold in winter (avoid frost).

Hi Vic! Sorry for not mentioning before that it was indeed in a hot steamy lowland nep tank. Now in the greenhouse it is MUCH cooler. High is only 75F-80F. ow is 45 at the coldest (heater will not allow it to drop beyond 45F) Thanks! BTW in the greenhouse I have D.Adelae,D.Capensis "alba",D.Spathulata,D.Capensis "all red" and now D.Slackii. I think I just made it tired in the excessive heat perhaps.
slackii hate lowland conditions lol (i thought i told you that when i sent it! lol). It seems to fair well in highland conditions, but dont let temps exceed over 75F or drop down paast 45F. It should fair well dude. Vic pretty much covered it. Good luck-Zach
That's why it was growing bad! lol. Tell me next time Zach!